procedure may cause bacteremia. DANB and the DALE Foundation wish to acknowledge all dental assistants for how they’ve adapted during this time. St Louis: Lea & Febiger, Wilkins EW (2009) Clinical practice of the dental hygienist. Which is it? That’s why some dentists and hygienists only do selective polishing, in which they only choose certain teeth to polish, such as those with superficial stains that didn’t get removed by the ultrasonic cleaning or hand tools. © 2020 Endeavor Business Media, LLC. St Louis: Saunders, Fones AC (1934) Mouth hygiene. palm palm-thumb pen. As to whether enamel will be worn down, Dr. Frantsve-Hawley, a registered dental hygienist who has a Ph.D in biological and biomedical sciences, said twice-a-year polishing at the dentist’s office, even Eliminating power devices from dental hygiene care may have significant consequences. Polishing can: • Create a smooth tooth surface that is less likely to retain plaque, calculus, and stain. For example, when the patient is in the chair, the hygienist can let the patient know the purpose of abrasive type pastes and cleansing pastes. Myth busters for dental assistants: Should you leave the profession? Get Well's Running email for practical tips, expert advice, exclusive content and a bit of motivation delivered to your inbox every week to help you on your running journey. At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to: 1. According to the list above, you may realize that you provided polishing to a pediatric patient when he or she had demineralized spots that needed the dentist’s attention first. You should also focus on a positive outlook, which will go far in your career development. Dimensions of Dental Hygiene 2: 26-32, Bijella MF, Bijella VT, Lopes ES, Bastos JR (1985) Comparison of dental prophylaxis and toothbrushing prior to topical APF applications. Your health questions answered by Times journalists and experts. It also gives them an incentive to come back for their re-eval when their tissue have healed to be polished. .”, “I know you love the feeling of smooth teeth and fresh breath . d. The prophy angle is held in a _____ grasp. Then in the 1970s, an influential textbook, “Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist,” by Dr. Esther Wilkins, recommended “selective polishing” - meaning the hygienist should only shine stained parts of the teeth and not the whole set. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Many states allow dental assistants to perform this service, but in order to do so assistants might need to meet state exam, education, or credential requirements. If you’re studying for dental assisting boards, this is also useful for you. DANB and the DALE Foundation acknowledge and support orthodontic assistants’ careers. A Peer-Reviewed Publication Written by Trish Jones, RDH, BS. Identify the differences between polishing and selective polishing, and identify criteria for selective polishing 2. Polishing has been an integral part of dental hygiene care since the beginning of the profession. Polishing teeth may make them feel smooth and gleam, but the procedure isn’t necessary. If, when, and where you choose to polish – use the least abrasive polishing agent that will remove plaque biofilm and stain. With selective polishing, to continue with the example of the decalcified tooth, you can work on the other teeth and skip the ones with decalcification, or you can polish the teeth that have only visible extrinsic stain. Resources available through the DALE Foundation, the official DANB affiliate, can help prepare dental assistants for a transition into practice administration. Do I polish for cosmetics or to make my patient feel good? Abstract. However, if you’ve had your teeth cleaned recently (and you have, right?) Cleaning agents in polishing pastes differ in shape and hardness and include alkaline and aluminium silicate (Wilkins EW, 2009). This requires us to be educated on what abrasive particles and other additives are found in the polish is available to us. and I cannot count how many times my patients express distress at the thought of not getting polished. Are you prepared to do the procedure correctly? Patient evaluationAfter a scaling or debridement, the dental hygienist should evaluate the patient’s enamel surfaces. From the editor’s desk: A common thread among dental assistants: We are not appreciated! Patients deserve our best clinical judgment. Superinfections, COVID-19 severity, and oral health: Are there connections? Claire was invited on various podcasts to speak about memory techniques and learning efficacy, topics she also promotes through articles, speeches, e-books, and blogs. Tooth polishing has long been part of the dental checkup routine ever since the 1700s when Pierre Fauchard, the father of modern dentistry, recommended it. From the editor's desk: Just go through life and “F” it! An interprofessional approach ensures early diagnosis and better overall care. In this case, pre-framing involves explaining the procedure to the patient before and after it is completed to ensure they have a complete understanding. 10,000 B. There’s an App for That. • Enhance fluoride absorption and discourage the buildup of new deposits. From the editor’s desk: Why you’re leaving the dental assisting profession, Tija Hunter, CDA, wonders why her peers are choosing to move on from the profession. While working as a Dental Assistant the words “prophy” and “polish” was synonymous. All rights reserved. In addition, keep in mind that other products used during the polishing procedure may indeed help remineralise tooth surfaces and alleviate sensitivity. Dental hygienists should have a variety of pastes in their armamentarium to accommodate the different tooth surfaces when polishing (Wilkins EW, 2009). Sep 19th, 2016. As Boys Get Fatter, Parents Worry One Body Part Is Too Small. When she asked you all one question, "Why?" Possible contraindicationsPolishing is not necessary prior to fluoride application, since the uptake of fluoride is not inhibited by plaque biofilm (Wilkins EW, 1976; Wilkins EW, 2009; Perry DA, Beemsterboer PL, 2007). Many dental professionals now consider polishing to be primarily a cosmetic procedure. J Dent Res 35: 420, Wilkins EW (1976) Clinical practice of the dental hygienist. Trish Jones RDH, BSDH shared some valuable information in her article, “In order to preserve the investment in your smile, we are going to use a, specialized paste that not only removes stain, but also polishes the teeth to, As we educate our patients they feel that we care about them. “As the dental health-care provider, it is important to let the patient know the thought process behind selective polishing prior to performing the procedure. Here’s how to choose. Patients have come to expect polishing as a necessary part of the dental appointment (Daniel SJ et al, 2008). fulcrum. You may occasionally have a patient who “wants polishing at all costs.” If this happens, you’re now armed with the proper knowledge to justify your decisions. chin up. Or maybe you polished a patient’s teeth without checking if the patient had a medical condition that can spread through aerosol. Each patient should be . • Removal of temporary cement residues. Polishing does not qualify as a therapeutic service, meaning that it doesn’t help treat disease or sustain health. “It’s not going to impact tooth decay, gum disease or oral cancer.”. If your patients are doing all the "right" things but still battle caries, consider that their troubles may be coming from an unexpected source. I choose not to polish the same day that I debride (SRP) as to not irritate the tissue (polish past gingivitis is a thing!) 4th ed. Subscribe to the monthly e-newsletter here. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, Perry DA, Beemsterboer PL (2007) Periodontology for the dental hygienist. DANB and the DALE Foundation support and appreciate dental assistants. Only a thorough dental prophylaxis can remove calculus.When do you say yes to coronal polishing? The current recommendation is to use a slow-speed handpiece with prophylaxis polishing paste for one to two seconds with a light touch while gently flaring the cup to remove extrinsic stain (Wilkins EW, 2009; Darby ML, Walsh MM, 2003). 4th Ed. Submit your question to Ask Well. toothpaste for daily use = superfine, prophy paste = less fine for periodic use (Wilkins EW, 2009). Hand scaling, sonic and ultrasonic instrumentation, as well as air polishers, also remove stain (Darby ML, Walsh MM, 2003). • Patients with respiratory and infectious diseases,as polishing creates aerosols. Remember learning about selective polishing when you were in hygiene school? She founded StudentRDH and SmarterDA, which offer dental hygiene and dental assisting exam prep courses. Each characteristic will determine the effects on the coronal surfaces. Claire Jeong, RDH, MS, is an educator and entrepreneur. I have found that when I preface the scaling and root debridement with EDUCATION the distress is greatly reduced. . The untold secrets of managing hypersensitivity: Part 1 of 2. “There is no health benefit to polishing,” said Julie Frantsve-Hawley, the editor of The International What we eat has a direct effect on the oral cavity. However, if you’ve had your teeth cleaned recently (and you have, right?) Many of the techniques and modalities used by dental hygienists have evolved over the years. Fluoride has been hailed as the greatest discovery for the prevention of dental caries, and it has also been vilified as a poison. "Ask a Dental Assistant" is here to help! A Peer-Reviewed Publication Written by Trish Jones, RDH, BS. She and her teeth will be grateful. D. Coronal polishing is not recommended for a patient with tuberculosis because the A. aerosol from the handpiece may spread the bacteria. Next time we reaching for the coarse paste, knowing that it will take anything off (including tooth structure,) we can use the time that saved us to read the manufacturer's instructions that come with our prophy paste. It took dental assistant Ronda Holman some time to realize that she could approach dentists with her questions and they would not think any less of her. mandibular polishing . The air polishing technique uses a specially designed hand piece, with a nozzle that delivers a high pressure stream of warm water and _____? Dianne Glasscoe Watterson, MBA, RDH, fields a question from an RDH dealing with frustration with periodontal patient no-shows and reluctance to schedule maintenance appointments. Have you heard the term “selective polishing”? with the coarsest paste, is “not frequent enough to cause significant damage to the enamel.”. Selective polishing. • Placement of crowns and bridges. These effects are achievable through special resists as well as other methods. Adapting to today’s many changes in dental assisting. With selective polishing, to continue with the example of the decalcified tooth, you can work on the other teeth and skip the ones with decalcification, or … She and her teeth will be grateful, Selective Polishing: An Approach to Comprehensive Polishing. • Avoid reintroduction of bacteria immediately after SRP and NSPT. selective polishing. The new GUM Hydral dry mouth system may provide relief for sufferers of xerostomia. Patients who remained concerned about enamel damage but want polishing can request the dental hygienist use a finer-grained paste. (Look up your state requirements on the search-by-state map published on the Dental Assisting National Board Inc. [DANB] website.). CORONAL POLISHING IS DEFINED AS THE PROCEDURE THAT REMOVES PLAQUE AND STAIN from the coronal surfaces of teeth. here's what you had to say, starting with, "We aren't paid what we're worth!". What kinds of things can you do in your practice to educate your patients? Coronal polishing should be reviewed with every patient. Or you may have done all the right things! ConclusionDr Fones stated in 1934: ‘The greatest service [the dental hygienist] can perform is the persistent education of the public in mouth hygiene and the allied branches of general hygiene.’.
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