Your imagination and your initiative and your indignation will determine whether we build a society where progress is the servant of our needs, or a society where old values and new visions are buried under unbridled growth. FACT CHECK: We strive for accuracy and fairness. We have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportion…In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The 42nd president of the United States, Bill Clinton, became the first Democrat to serve as president in more than a decade when he took the oath of office. We see tasks that need doing, waiting for hands to do them. Eisenhower was telling us that we now live in a time when government, the military and the corporate world all have joined together into a powerful alliance that shapes the basic democratic functioning of the country. For half a century, we called upon unbounded invention and untiring industry to create an order of plenty for all of our people. video icon audio icon transcript icon. It says that he shall share in freedom, he shall choose his leaders, educate his children, and provide for his family according to his ability and his merits as a human being. But the president’s role as “comforter in chief” is one of the most important functions. We will never forget them nor the last time we saw them, this morning, as they prepared for their journey and waved goodbye, and slipped the surly bonds of Earth to touch the face of God.”. We are caught in war, wanting peace. To the makers of these fateful decisions, the United States pledges before you, and therefore before the world, its determination to help solve the fearful atomic dilemma. I do not shrink from this responsibility–I welcome it. The 40th president of the United States, Ronald Reagan, made iconic remarks at the Brandenburg Gate in West Berlin on June 12, 1987. We rededicate ourselves to the very idea of America, an idea born in revolution and renewed through two centuries of challenge; an idea tempered by the knowledge that, but for fate, we, the fortunate, and the unfortunate might have been each other; an idea ennobled by the faith that our Nation can summon from its myriad diversity the deepest measure of unity; an idea infused with the conviction that America’s long, heroic journey must go forever upward. video icon audio icon transcript icon. His inaugural address was memorable for many reasons, including his use of the phrase “my fellow citizens,” which was last issued by George Washington and rejected by former presidents due to its informal nature. From Kennedy to Carter to Obama, find the best preidential speeches here. Franklin Delano Roosevelt making his inaugural address as 32nd President of the United States, 1933. But I see history as a book with many pages, and each day we fill a page with acts of hopefulness and meaning. June 20, 2020: Campaign Rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Why It Was Important: In our current era of political divisiveness, we tend to think of presidents as partisan leaders. Why It Was Important: We were in a new age of technology and space exploration. (Credit: Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty Images), What Eisenhower Said: “I feel impelled to speak today in a language that, in a sense, is new. And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you–ask what you can do for your country. — Guian McKee, Associate Professor of Presidential Studies, the Miller Center, President Kennedy gives his ‘Race for Space’ speech at Houston’s Rice University, 1962. HISTORY reviews and updates its content regularly to ensure it is complete and accurate. This is no unsolvable problem if we face it wisely and courageously. video icon audio icon transcript icon. He understands the importance of nuclear deterrence and he reminds his audience that his proposal comes from a position of American strength, not weakness. Why It Was Important: That speech gave a name to our modern era. What Reagan Said: “The rangers looked up and saw the enemy soldiers at the edge of the cliffs shooting down at them with machine guns and throwing grenades, and the American rangers began to climb. When one ranger fell, another would take his place. In order to have security, we need to have a large defense establishment. This was the first nation in the history of the world to be founded with a purpose. Despite the Nixon administration continuing the war in Vietnam in 1973, his inauguration address talked of peace and solidarity. Today, we see parallels in the use of Twitter to bypass opponents and critics of the administration to appeal directly to the American people. However, his inaugural address was not the pick for the podcast series. I think a hallmark of the speeches that we remember the most by presidents from both parties are ones that not only address the circumstances at hand, but also give people some hope. Do your business around the country. And that all started with FDR and his first fireside chat. This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today. He was carrying out what had become an essential responsibility of the 21st-century president. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself… Our greatest primary task is to put people to work. President Richard Nixon delivered his first inauguration address Jan. 20, 1969. One which I, who have spent so much of my life in the military profession, would have preferred never to use: That new language is the language is the language of atomic warfare…Against the dark background of the atomic bomb, the United States does not wish merely to present strength, but also the desire and the hope for peace. The Challenger crew was pulling us into the future, and we’ll continue to follow them…The crew of the space shuttle Challenger honored us by the manner in which they lived their lives. Reagan addressed the leader of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev, to open up the Berlin Wall in 1987 saying, “Tear down this wall! President Reagan’s words at the end of that speech, again in the second person, to our Allies that “we were with you then, and we are with you now,” when he called upon the West to “renew our commitment to each other, to our freedom, and to the alliance that protects it” kept the coalition in place that later defeated the Soviet Union and ended the Cold War. — Margaret O’Mara, professor of history, University of Washington, Franklin Roosevelt preparing for his first “fireside chat” in which he explained the measures he was taking to reform the nation’s banking system.
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