The Nicene Creed of the liturgies, often called the Constantinopolitan creed, is the old baptismal creed of Jerusalem revised by the insertion of Nicene terms. These smartphone reviews aren't exactly side by side comparisons, nor can you click to compare just a handful of models. Apparently they were at first arranged in a series of anniversaries separate from that of the martyrs, as seems to be shown by the existence at Rome of the Depositio episcoporum side by side with the Depositio martyrum; the two lists seem to have been combined, as in the calendar of Carthage, which includes the dies nataliciorum martyrum et depositiones episcoporum. The Avante Deluxe is unique in that it boasts a space saving design, but the slots are big enough to fit bagels and they are side by side. However, side by side with the Roman see was that of Milan, which was also the capital of the Western Empire. 3 Archiv fiir slavische Philologie, 191 where the Glagolitic and the cursive Greek, the Cyrillic and the Greek uncial are set side by side in facsimile. 40. Rally Twin-This side-by-side stroller is suitable from birth with multiple seat positions and reversible seat liners. Both agencies are now employed side by side. As his vision spanned across the Prison, he saw cages that could hardly fit a small bed, Bridges made of boats collected together and moored, Right outside the window a male indigo bunting and a male goldfinch are eating, It's a cooperative effort, and the Portuguese and Americans work, Practical as protectors under wine glasses, they can also be set, That was the principle behind my series Like Brother, Like Sister, created for iD magazine in 1992 and showing a man and a woman, For these words, I may just give two definitions, We drive to Bergama, 45 minutes away, past women working, There was supposed to be an adulating throng hanging from every rail, trumpet-blaring heralds lined, Similarly, the authority of marquesses, dukes, earls, barons, counts, and other nobles had long existed, Spaghetti from Italy, sushi from Japan, egg rolls from China, knockwurst from Germany, burritos from Mexico are offered, In the great democracy of self-devotion private and general stand, Mavis and Stella aren't happy about my false start of five minutes ago, and the tabbies are sitting, In nineteenth-century periodicals, magazines, and newspapers, articles on scientific issues were set, She appeared completely relaxed as they walked, Members of such groups sometimes even feed peacefully, The two institutions, prison and hospital, sit, When we unroll the sixth and the thirteenth centuries, and hang up the two, A trench is dug, seedling bundles are placed, If you want your screens to seamlessly merge, There was a pause in their discussion as the truthfulness of her declaration brought about different reactions in the two people sitting, The next time Will comes to the office, Sean greets him at the door and they head off to a park where they sit, Somewhere in the middle of the turducken, 3. you will find the perfect slice, where all three meats and all three stuffings rest, Adrian gave her a sideways glance as they sat, To the right of the throne room, two small buildings sit, This star-studded locale is Malibu Colony, a private stretch of around 100 homes sitting, Then there might have been a unity with the law courts, and an avoidance of the two bulks of the Hilton and the BT Tower, A strong wind blew against his face as he walked into a dark room that was only lit by two simple torches, If sufficient numbers accept, the two firms will form a joint holding company to ensure the brands keep trading. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Hence both science and religion must come to recognize as the" most certain of all facts that the Power which the Universe manifests to us is utterly inscrutable. Should you choose a tandem stroller, or will you be happier with a side-by-side one? The words so incorporated may appear side by side with the genuine reading or they may expel it. In his Indian budget speech of 1913 he remarked with true insight that the watchword of the future was cooperation between the Government and the governed in India; the difficulty was that in India men of the 20th century lived side by side with men of the 5th. beside. B represents an intermediate hypothetical form in which the cells beneath the lens are beginning to be superimposed as corneagen, vitrella and retinula, instead of standing side by side in horizontal series. You can compare family files side by side - this is a helpful feature when you've received a file from a genealogist or family member and you want to compare them before merging. Other species such as Tree Sparrow, which are colonial nesters, will happily nest side by side. (See Feudalism.) In Baluchistan, even yet, we find side by side with the eponymous Iranian inhabitants, who il T~b only penetrated thither a few centuries ago, the ~ es ethnologically and philologically distinct race of the Brahui, who are probably connected with the Dravidians of India. Please place the vases side by side so we can compare them. cut-and-thrust swords existed side by side with more dedicated cutting blades for centuries with neither replacing the other. Moreover, the two phases often subsist side by side in a complementary relationship. Finally, side by side with a theory of the nature of moral obligation thus fundamentally empirical and a posteriori in its outlook, he maintains in his account of justice the existence of the idea of justice as distinct from a mere sentiment, carrying with it an a priori belief in its existence and identical in its a priori and intuitive character with the ultimate criterion of Utilitarianism itself. The British at Fort St George and the French at Pondicherry for many years traded side by side without either active rivalry or territorial ambition. From 1770 onwards lived side by side with this king, rather than at his side, the archduchess Marie Antoinette of Austria one of the very graceful and very frivolous women Ma,* who were to be found at Versailles, opening to life A~7,i,toa like the flowers she so much loved, enamoured of pleasure and luxury, delighting to free herself from the formalities of court life, and mingling in the amusements of society; lovable and loving, without ceasing to be virtuous. Start by placing your hands side by side below you on the floor in a position that's comfortable when you push your upper body straight up from the floor. Side by side with these purely official dukedoms, however, there had continued to exist, or had sprung up, either independently or in more or less of subjection to the Frank rulers, national dukedoms, such as those of the Alemanni, the Aquitanians, and, later, of the Bavarians and Thuringians. Literally, in a line next to each other, close together and facing the same direction. As early as the 13th century the lower orders among the inhabitants formed an organization under officers of their own, side by side with that of the commune, which was controlled by the great and the rich; e.g. It is to be remembered that criticism has broken up the historical unity of the New Testament collection and placed many of its components side by side with writings which have never been canonized, and which conservative writers had supposed to be distinctly later. On the first day, which celebrated the union of Adonis and Aphrodite, their images were placed side by side on a silver couch, around them all the fruits of the season, "Adonis gardens" in silver baskets, golden boxes of myrrh, cakes of meal, honey and oil, made in the likeness of things that creep and things that fly. - THE Science Of Being Side by side with psychology, the science of mind, and with logic, the science of reasoning, metaphysics is tending gradually to reassert its ancient Aristotelian position as the science of being in general. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. If two organ pipes in unison are mounted side by side on a windchest with their ends close together, and are blown for a very short time, they sound. The 14th century, so full of varied religious life, made it manifest that the two different ideas of a life of separation from the world which in earlier times had lived on side by side within the medieval church were irreconcilable. regatta held on the river Lea is a side by side sprint over a short course of 600m. The State authorities were divided on geographical lines into central, intermediate and local, and side by side with this there was a division of the offices for the transaction of business according to the various branches of the administration. provides side-by-side quote comparisons from more than 200 companies. In some localities the characteristic types of the two climatic extremes, the palm and the pine, are to be found growing side by side. You can fight side-by-side with another player for as long as you want or for one quest. The most interesting feature is a wide band with double silver rings side-by-side and a wide, rectangular black dial. It is with respect to this number of segments that respectively constitute the pygidium and the midregion of the body that Trilobites differ most markedly from each other; and it is a singular fact that the extremes in structural organization in this particular to be met with in the Trilobita are found side by side in strata of Cambrian age. If then the sensitive plate be cut in half and the two parts be placed side by side after the one has been turned through 90° in its own plane, the tint of the one half will be raised and that of the other will be lowered when the compound plate is associated with a second doubly refracting plate.
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