With humor and verve, Bahram Beyzaie’s Iranian New Wave classic captures a moment in Iranian history when dissent against the authoritarian shah was beginning to percolate below the surface. The notorious block-long billboard showing her lying in a crib sucking her thumb, and the condemnation of the film by the Catholic Legion of Decency, helped up the film’s profile, but—as Baker wrote frankly in her memoir—had negative effects on her career. Important note about the final assignment: The deadline for submitting the essay draft is a firm deadline (the night before the day of the final class—it will be posted on the Workshop page and you'll get a reminder email). . There are so many striking moments in Something Wild, simple gestures, evocative silences: Mary Ann buttoning up her cardigan after the rape, fingers trembling. Mary Ann lying on a cot during a heat wave, pushing back and forth the wet towel hanging above her head, water dripping onto her pale face. But his nonfiction work has also taken on social and political subjects, including the situation in Haiti after the fall of the Duvalier regime, the impact of Hurricane Katrina on New Orleans, and a book tour by former president Jimmy Carter.
This course is open to all levels, whether you’re a new writer, accomplished in another genre but unfamiliar with writing about yourself, or an experienced writer of personal essays looking to take your work to the next level. After three weeks of craft assignments and Salons, the final assignment is to put together everything you've written and discussed into a full draft of your essay to submit in the Workshop section for feedback from the instructor. . This is a sad fact, considering that the film begins so compellingly. Assignment #1: list of possible essay topics/angles. Something Wild asks the eternal question “What makes us happy?” But the answer it proposes is far from easily arrived at.
Garfein never directed another film after Something Wild, focusing on his work as a theater director, heavily involved in the Studio (he founded the directing program at Actors Studio West) as well as teaching his own acting classes. The film has some elements of a road movie. Known today mostly for his turn as Mike Hammer in Robert Aldrich’s phantasmagorical, paranoid noir Kiss Me Deadly, Meeker had a good career playing various heavies, as well as one of the condemned soldiers in Stanley Kubrick’s Paths of Glory. She’s able to be expressive while smartly avoiding sentimentality, and she's well attuned to structure.”, Brendan Spiegel The film begins in a Manhattan diner, where Charles Driggs, played by the engagingly straight Jeff Daniels, blithely pockets his check without paying. In 2011, the film’s fiftieth anniversary, it was finally released, in a bare-bones DVD edition. Martin Scorsese’s World Cinema Project No. During a pivotal time for Black cinema, John Berry’s beautifully lived-in drama offered a portrait of an African American family that stood in opposition to a long history of harmful stereotypes. Get info about new releases, essays and interviews on the Current, Top 10 lists, and sales. Lilly knows what makes a story effective, and how to employ the writing techniques that will sharpen even the best and most vulnerable personal narratives. Suddenly, her mother’s worries about walking alone at night enrage Mary Ann. What has happened?” We feel the same way. Some films, even very good ones, tell you up front what they are, what they are up to, what they want. Neither was a box-office success; neither found an audience. As you can see from what we’ve already published, we like several genres of essays: Critical readings, of film, fiction, contemporary thought, etc. Students will come away with one completed essay that’s ready to submit to the best personal-essay markets out there, and the tools to write many more with confidence. This is where students can ask questions and get feedback from the instructor, talking through the progress of their essays and any specific challenges therein.
Decades later, when he presented Something Wild on TCM, he remarked, in connection with the terrors of his childhood, “It took almost half a century for me to realize what the film was touching in my own life.” He and Baker had set up their own production company for The Strange One, a very new idea at the time, and financed both films themselves, Something Wild in partnership with United Artists—the “studio” without a studio, whose investments in productions outside the system brought them major success, even as the industry fell apart in the sixties. “You don’t know who I am,” Mary Ann says to Mike, when he asks her to marry him. Garfein—like Konstantin Stanislavski, like Yevgeny Vakhtangov, like Strasberg—was obsessed with the mystery and “problem” of the actor’s creative process. It was screened out of competition at the 1987 Cannes Film Festival. During the Salon, you'll discuss the readings, any general questions about the craft element of the week, and the writing assignments. Week 2: Narrative arc and active scenes. While the band performing at the high school reunion may seem appropriately hometown, they are none other than the Feelies, key players in the underground rock scene of the late seventies and early eighties (recently, Olivier Assayas used their music brilliantly for the soundtrack of Carlos). His Hitchcockian thriller Last Embrace (1979) was too subtle for its hyped-up times, and Swing Shift (1984) was taken away from him and transformed from an honest depiction of working women during World War II into an unconvincing Goldie Hawn romance.
Week 3: What’s your point?
. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Wild by Cheryl Strayed. Something Wild is a 1986 American action comedy film directed by Jonathan Demme and starring Melanie Griffith, Jeff Daniels and Ray Liotta. -A greater understanding of techniques to make your personal story stand out; draw the reader in with a compelling, active scene; and leave the reader with a powerful takeaway, without overstating your thesis, -Greater familiarity with some of the best personal essays being written today, -Personalized feedback from an experienced writer and assigning editor. You'll get specific line notes in the document on the Workshop platform, and a 10-minute one-on-one phone conference with the instructor to talk about your essay and what it needs to be polished and publishable. Demme’s early stint in the Roger Corman school of filmmaking serves him well in this respect. During a pivotal time for Black cinema, John Berry’s beautifully lived-in drama offered a portrait of an African American family that stood in opposition to a long history of harmful stereotypes. What does the future have in store for the main characters, Mike and Mary Ann, after the film ends?
She doesn’t know the answer. He sounds truly confused. Something Wild (1961) is a disturbing, uncomfortable, beautifully shot film that largely goes nowhere. And as upsetting as the scenes are, there is an excruciating joy in watching such accomplished performances. In this class, we’ll look closely at personal essays that accomplish that resonance, break down the specific elements that make a personal essay great, and complete writing exercises around each of those elements. . Good and bad are never black and white. Both were personal projects, developed with friends at the Actors Studio. He’s caught in the act by a fellow customer, wild thing Lulu Hankel, played by a mercurial, trippy Melanie Griffith. It's not often I feel like an editor isn't afraid to give it their all in editing a vulnerable topic, but also isn't hunting for just the most shock value and ‘universally appealing’ parts of a story, all while wanting the narrative to actually be strong, tight, compelling, and effective.”, “Ms. The question is extremely urgent, clamoring in your head at the close. Contact Support if you need further assistance. As Karmel describes in the novel: “Violence had possessed her; she no longer belonged to herself but to it.” Her body language changes overnight. You do not have an account with Catapult.
(The “big picture” takeaway.) Successful personal essays don’t just recap something wild that happened to you—they bring the reader through the story with vivid details and active scenes, and show how the experience changed you. (1961), directed by Jack Garfein and starring Carroll Baker and Ralph Meeker—in two career-best performances—is the latter kind. It’s a boy meets girl story, certainly, but one that goes much deeper with that narrative than most films do, and plays fast and loose with the classic oppositions of dramatic conflict.
A successful, self-satisfied businessman, who has just become a vice president at his tax consulting firm, is literally taken for a ride by the devil in a slinky black dress. Most American critics rejected it—Jonas Mekas being a notable exception. “You’re a really good liar when you want to be,” she says, as yet unaware just how true this is. The rape changes Mary Ann’s understanding of the world. Something Wild asks the eternal question “What makes us happy?” But the answer it proposes is far from easily arrived at. Mary Ann—exhausted and sick—wanders up onto the Manhattan Bridge, peering down into the blinding water below. This syllabus item has comments or stories associated with it. It is stark, brutal, and—startlingly, considering the subject matter—occasionally very tender, even funny. Demme’s subsequent experience in the big(ger) time was less fortuitous.
Lulu’s mother is a mean harpsichordist, and a potentially menacing biker carries a helmet-wearing dog.
It is stark, brutal, and—startlingly, considering the subject matter—occasionally very tender, even funny. More than twenty years on, Something Wild remains something special indeed.
Assignment #3: submit a full draft of your essay.
But what distinguishes Demme’s film is that his hero’s journey is not just a matter of surviving all the dangers and torments that are thrown at him.
The production is a roll call of giants: cinematography by Eugen Schüfftan, original score by Aaron Copland, opening credits by the great Saul Bass.
Mike staring thirstily at Mary Ann as she gulps down a glass of cool milk. Something Wild was for decades a forgotten movie. Each week, at the end of the craft lesson, you'll be assigned writing exercises that will build toward an essay. Demme delivers these opening scenes with immense energy and comic edge, and then deftly slows the pace to suggest that Lulu’s casual indulgence in petty crime may be part of an act. Though he appears in the plot (as script gurus would say) like a second act crisis figure, Ray is not simply the id to Charles’s ego but occupies his own space as a focus of attraction for both Audrey and Charles. The name Lulu evokes the amoral, man-devouring heroine of G. W. Pabst’s classic silent film Pandora’s Box (1929), indelibly incarnated by Louise Brooks. Dancyger understands the craft of the personal essay, how to weave narrative with theme, how to make the personal resonate. Martin Scorsese’s World Cinema Project No. His street photography in the film captures New York in a way that had not been done before.
He invites her in to rest while he’s at work. However, Citizens Band (a.k.a.
To start a film with such a scene was unheard-of then and is still radical now.
And the truth is, a lot of them are. He undergoes a profound exposure to the different classes, backgrounds, and ethnicities that make up America, and ultimately questions what he does and just who he is. Mary Ann’s devastated mother (Mildred Dunnock) whispers to her daughter: “What has happened?
With his deeply political but unclassifiable debut feature, Med Hondo set out to establish a transformational presence for global African cinema and to accelerate the emergence of a new Africa.
What does the future have in store for the main characters, Mike and Mary Ann, after the film ends?
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