He was succeeded by his son, Friedrich II the Great. Sophia Charlotte of Hanover (30 October 1668 – 1 February 1705) was the Queen consort of Prussia as wife of Frederick I of Prussia. Therefore, Sophia became Electress of Hanover, the title by which she is best remembered. Am 1. We provide you with news from the entertainment industry. Band 34, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1892, S. 676–684. In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie. He later married Duchess Maria Anna Victoria of Bavaria instead, but Sophia Charlotte was also proposed as a possible bride for Louis's father, King Louis XIV, after he lost his wife in 1683. They had fourteen children. Sophia Charlotte was born in Iburg Castle in the Prince-Bishopric of Osnabrück, where her father held the title of a Protestant prince-bishop. Außerdem dirigierte sie auch vom Cembalo aus. After achieving a measure of reconciliation, Friedrich-Wilhelm had his son married to Princess Elisabeth of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, whom Friedrich despised, but then grudgingly allowed him to indulge in his musical and literary interests again. Portrait of August II of Poland (left) and Friedrich-Wilhelm I of Prussia (right), during Friedrich-Wilhelm’s 1728 visit to Dresden. They were: Sophia was absent for almost a year, 1664–65, during a long holiday with Ernest Augustus in Italy. Her eldest brother Elector Georg-Ludwig of Hanover succeeded to the British throne in 1714 as King George I of Great Britain and Ireland. This friendship resulted in a substantial correspondence, first published in the 19th century (Klopp 1973), that reveals Sophia to have been a woman of exceptional intellectual ability and curiosity. Sophia Charlotte of Hanover (30 October 1668 – 1 February 1705) was the first Queen consort in Prussia as wife of King Frederick I. Birth of a new Princess of Albania. Kipenheuer & Witsch 2006. Am 6. Der große zeitliche Abstand zwischen Tod und Überführung erklärt sich aus den aufwendigen Vorbereitungen für die Beisetzungsfeierlichkeiten, vor allem der Errichtung von Funeralarchitekturen, die an den Stationen des Leichenzuges zu erbauen waren. Her husband was so much in love with her that while he had an official mistress at his palace—in imitation of Louis XIV—he never made use of her services. However, the intellectual Fritz was more interested in music, books and French culture, which were forbidden by his father as decadent and unmanly. His violent, harsh nature was further exacerbated by his inherited porphyritic disease, which gave him gout, obesity and frequent crippling stomach pains. A marriage to Frederick of Hohenzollern, son of the "Great Elector" Frederick William of Brandenburg and heir of both Electoral Brandenburg and the Duchy of Prussia, was therefore arranged. Her spouse was only allowed there by invitation, such as in 1699, when she hosted a birthday party for him there. Friedrich-Wilhelm I was born in Berlin to King Friedrich I in Prussia and Princess Sophia-Charlotte of Hanover, the only daughter of Elector Ernst-August of Hanover and his wife Sophia of the Palatinate of the Rhine. Sophie Charlotte war eine Gegnerin der Politik des Premierministers Danckelmann, sie zog sich nach dessen Sturz 1697, bei dem sie maßgeblich mitgewirkt hatte, auf ihr Schloss Lietzenburg zurück, da sie am Berliner Hof politisch nichts auszurichten vermochte. Februar 1705 in Hannover) war die einzige Tochter von Sophie von der Pfalz und Ernst August von Braunschweig-Lüneburg, dem späteren ersten Kurfürsten von Hannover. Ihr Leichnam wurde seziert und einbalsamiert und auf einem Schaubett öffentlich ausgestellt. This page was last edited on 16 August 2020, at 23:53. Januar 1686). In her letters, Sophia describes her eldest son as a responsible, conscientious child who set an example to his younger brothers and sisters. While on a visit to her mother in Hanover, Sophia Charlotte died of pneumonia on 21 January 1705, when she was 36 years of age. The king encouraged farming, reclaimed marshes, stored grain in good times and sold it in bad times. She spoke fluent French, English and Italian. Vier Jahre später starb der Große Kurfürst und Friedrich bestieg mit seiner Frau den kurfürstlichen Thron. Um 1700 wurde das Schloss unter Eosander von Göthe zu einer repräsentativen Dreiflügelanlage ausgebaut. She was born at Iburg Castle in Osnabrück on October 30, 1668, the only daughter of Ernst August, Elector of Brunswick-Lüneburg and Sophia of the Palatinate. A daughter of Frederick V of the Palatinate by Elizabeth Stuart, also known as the "Winter King and Queen of Bohemia" for their short rule in that country, Sophia was born in The Wassenaer Hof, The Hague, Dutch Republic, where her parents had fled into exile after the Battle of White Mountain. Dort lebte die Kurfürstin und spätere Königin relativ unabhängig, ihr Gemahl Friedrich hatte nur Zutritt, wenn er ausdrücklich eingeladen war, so zum Beispiel im Sommer am 11. Sophia of the Palatinate (14 October 1630 – 8 June 1714[a]) was the Electress of Hanover by marriage to Elector Ernest Augustus, and later the heir presumptive to the thrones of England (later Great Britain) and Ireland under the Act of Settlement 1701. Clemens Götze: Das "musische Preußen" Sophie Charlottes. Ihre ersten fünf Lebensjahre verbrachte sie mit den Eltern im provinziellen Leben des Iburger Schlosses, ehe die fürstbischöfliche Familie 1673 die neu erbaute Residenz in Osnabrück, das Schloss Osnabrück, bezog, wo 1674 ihr Bruder Ernst August II. Nonetheless, the nature of her relationship with Corelli remains obscure. The love and affection Friedrich-Wilhelm had for his heir initially was soon destroyed due to their increasingly different personalities. Grin 2008. Renate Feyl: "Aussicht auf bleibende Helle. Upon Sophia's death, her eldest son Elector George Louis of Brunswick-Lüneburg (1660–1727) became heir presumptive in her place, and weeks later, succeeded Anne as George I of Great Britain. The latter was one of the most significant and influential publications of compositions for violin in the history of Western music. Piper 2005. Dieser Schritt hatte vor allem dynastische Gründe, denn Friedrich, ein in Ermangelung herausragender Ahnen und großer Taten von den Fürsten Europas belächelter Monarch, musste bestrebt sein, die 1701 erworbene Königswürde international anerkannt zu wissen. Otto Krauske: Sophie Charlotte. © Copyright © 2012-2020 Stories People All rights reserved. [4] Their friendship lasted from 1676 until her death in 1714. 5 sonatas for solo violin (Rome, 1700). Ihr Sohn ist der spätere Soldatenkönig Friedrich Wilhelm I., ihr Enkel Friedrich II. As a small child, Fritz was awakened each morning by the firing of a cannon. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 28. A year after their meeting, the Parliament of England passed the Act of Settlement 1701 declaring that, in the event of no legitimate issue from Anne or William III, the crowns of England and Ireland were to settle upon "the most excellent princess Sophia, electress and duchess-dowager of Hanover" and "the heirs of her body, being Protestant". In 1672 her family moved to the new episcopal residence in Osnabrück and finally in 1679 to Hanover, when Ernest Augustus succeeded his brother Duke John Frederick of Brunswick-Lüneburg in the Principality of Calenberg. The composer Arcangelo Corelli did her the honor of dedicating to her his Op. Außerdem wurde die so genannte Rennbahn um den See, die Teil der Bundesstraße 51 ist, in Charlottenburger Ring umbenannt. A marriage to Frederick of Hohenzollern, son of the "Great Elector" Frederick William of Brandenburg and heir of both Electoral Brandenburg and the Duchy of Prussia, was therefore arranged. Kunst und Politik am Hof der ersten Königin in Preußen. Mit ihrer Mutter Sophie ging sie 1679 auf eine Reise nach Frankreich, wobei diese vorgeblich ihrem Interesse an Gartengestaltung nachging. As Fritz’s defiance for his father’s rules increased, Friedrich-Wilhelm would frequently beat or humiliate Fritz (he preferred his younger sibling Wilhelm-August). Sophia's brother Charles Louis was restored to the Lower Palatinate as part of the Peace of Westphalia. The king encouraged farming, reclaimed marshes, stored grain in good times and sold it in bad times. 1987 veranstaltete die Stadt Berlin als Beitrag zu ihrer 750-Jahrfeier eine Ausstellung mit Ausstellungskatalog Sophie Charlotte und die Musik in Lietzenburg [= heute Charlottenburg].[4][5]. Following the example set by her mother, she surrounded herself with philosophers and theologians like Isaac de Beausobre, Daniel Ernst Jablonski or John Toland and inspired the foundation of the Prussian Academy of Sciences. As a girl, Sophia Charlotte visited France with her mother in hopes of marrying Louis of France, the "Grand Dauphin", heir to the throne of France. Friedrich-Wilhelm I (August 14, 1688 – May 31, 1740), known as the “Soldier King”, was the King in Prussia and Elector of Brandenburg from 1713 until his death in 1740, as well as Prince of Neuchâtel. Initially a landless cadet, Ernest Augustus succeeded in having the House of Hanover raised to electoral dignity in 1692. By this time, given the ailing William III's reluctance to remarry, the inclusion of Sophia in the line of succession was becoming more likely,[9] because she was a Protestant, as was her son. The court declared itself not competent in this case. Die Musiker Attilio Ariosti und Giovanni Battista Bononcini standen jahrelang als Hofkapellmeister in ihren Diensten und komponierten dafür diverse Opern. In short, Friedrich-Wilhelm I concerned himself with every aspect of his relatively small country, ruling an absolute monarchy with great energy and skill. Anne might have been aware that Sophia, who was active and lively despite her old age, could cut a better figure than herself. Sitter in 1 portrait.
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