The Swiss Family Robinson or Swiss Family Robinson may also refer to: . Top Answer. Helaas ergerde ik mij enorm aan Francis, het kleinste broertje, waardoor de film een stuk minder aangenaam werd. Role in the film Edit | Money, getting what they want, winning, robbing, stealing, fighting, killing, looting, and pillaging, Losing, not getting what they want, and death, Some like the pirate killed by Kuala and the others in a sword fight, Auban's (and Kuala's and other pirates') death. Gelukkig dat er halfweg de film een jonge dame de cast komt versterken, want was nogal saai zo een moeder met vader en drie zonen. Avontuur / Familie, Wiki | You can help Disney Wiki by expanding it. This FAQ is empty. Aardige familiefilm voor een zondagmiddag, mooi verhaal. In the end, after a fierce battle between the pirates and the Robinsons, cannons were heard firing. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. It is equipped with cannons used for firing at enemy ships and lifeboats for allowing them to sail to shore. Goeie film over een gezin dat schipbreuk lijdt en strand op een onbewoond eiland. From Coraline to ParaNorman check out some of our favorite family-friendly movie picks to watch this Halloween. Beverly Hills Family Robinson: Doug Robinson • Marsha Robinson • Jane Robinson • Roger Robinson • Digger • Pirates. 126 minuten, geregisseerd door Ken Annakin 3 4 5. Mean, greedy, merciless, ruthless, loyal, and cruel. Het is heel avontuurlijk maar er wordt te weinig getoond wat de familie allemaal doet om op het eiland te overleven, maar daarvoor was er misschien niet genoeg tijd (hoewel de film ruim 2 uur duurt). With Martin Milner, Pat Delany, Willie Aames, Eric Olson. The Pirate Ship is a ship that serves as a means of transportation for Kuala and his pirates in Swiss Family Robinson. Een film die tegenwoordig niet meer zo snel gemaakt zal worden ivm dierenmishandeling. Luckily, Father was able to identify it quickly as the same pirate ship that chased them into the storm. Kuala used this ship to chase the one that was carrying a family of passengers called the Robinsons, who were on their way to find a new life in the new colony of New Guinea, into a storm one night. Seeing as to how the family's ship was stuck on the rocks and still having some passengers, Kuala ordered his men to fire on them with their cannons until Father managed to scare them off with a quarantine flag despite Fritz and Ernst trying to load a cannon to fight back. In the film Edit ik heb nog nooit een baby olifant, tijger, struisvogel, ezel en zebra op een verlaten eiland gezien. 2 days later, in the morning, Kuala's ship was mistaken for a friendly ship by Ernst Robinson that would help him and his family get off the island they were shipwrecked on 2 days ago. Nou, ik heb mijn best gedaan en it only got worse! Als je hem dan later nog eens ziet valt het met de kwaliteit allemaal wel mee, maar het blijft een aardig filmpje. Deze film is op zich wel leuk, met een mooi verhaal op een prachtige locatie. Stage 14, 20th Century Fox Studios - 10201 Pico Blvd., Century City, Los Angeles, California, USA, What to Watch if You Miss the "Game of Thrones" Cast. Looking for something to watch? Disney Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. When the pirates get squashed by logs, the Big Pirate can be seen running down the hill one minute and then getting squashed the next minute after that. Mar 14, 2014 - Explore Sunflower Vibes's board "Swiss Family Robinson", followed by 217 people on Pinterest. Disney Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Terwijl moeder niet zo blij is met een bestaan als schipbreukeling, zijn vader en zoons blij met de kans een nieuw leven op te bouwen. Some along with Kuala and Auban blown up by Captain Moreland 's ship's cannons. Je gebruikersnaam is voor iedereen zichtbaar, en kun je later niet meer aanpassen. Kuala used his ship to chase the ship that was carrying a family of passengers called the Robinsons, who were on their way to find a new life in a new colony in New Guinea, into a storm one night. The Pirates are the main antagonists of Disney's Swiss Family Robinson led by Kuala. In the film Edit. In the original novel, Kuala and his pirates did not exist at all. Zoek naar deze film op dvd/blu-ray op Amazon. The Pirates are the main antagonists of Disney's Swiss Family Robinson led by Kuala. RSS, het is een hele leuke film alleen is de kaft van mijn dvd wel een beetje heel erg anders maar goed het is echt een hele mooie film. The Pirate Ship is a ship that serves as a means of transportation for Kuala and his band of cutthroat pirates in Swiss Family Robinson.It is equipped with cannons used for firing at enemy ships and lifeboats for allowing them to sail to shore. At night, after Roberta was saved by Fritz and Ernst, one of the pirate ships was used to sail off the island while carrying the English captain to take him back to England for ransom. In the original novel, Kuala and his pirates did not exist at all. The Walt Disney Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Swiss Family Robinson, American film directed by Edward Ludwig; Swiss Family Robinson, American film produced by Walt Disney Productions and directed by Ken Annakin; The New Swiss Family Robinson, 1998 American film directed by … A few days later, the pirates used their ship to return to the island to look for the "boy" for more ransom. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Swiss Family Robinson is an 1812 novel by Johann David Wyss.. | The Robinson family they are shipwrecked on a deserted island, using teamwork and wits, they overcome the obstacles of nature and man. At night, after Roberta was saved by Fritz and Ernst, one of the pirate ships was used to sail off the island while carrying Captain Moreland to take him back to England for ransom. Answer. Het jongste zoontje vond ik nogal een vervelend kindje met zijn obsessie voor het vangen van dieren. leuke familiefilm, meer hoef je er niet achter te zoeken. Een film die ik in m'n kindertijd enorm graag zag. Verenigde Staten Beverly Hills Family Robinson: Doug Robinson • Marsha Robinson • Jane Robinson • Roger Robinson • Digger • Pirates. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. A few days later, the pirates used their ship to return to the island to look for the "boy" for more ransom. Swiss Family Robinson is een Amerikaanse avonturenfilm uit 1960 met in de hoofdrollen John Mills, Dorothy McGuire, James MacArthur, Janet Munro, Tommy Kirk en Kevin Corcoran.De film is lichtjes gebaseerd op het boek De Zwitserse familie Robinson van Johann David Wyss en werd geregisseerd door Ken Annakin en opgenomen in Tobago en de Pinewood Studios nabij Londen. Contact / Over ons | The infamous Jean Lafitte and his fellow pirates appear on Robinson's island. Dan krijgen ze bezoek van de dochter van een kapitein die gevlucht is voor haar ontvoerders; piraten... | The Pirate Ship is a ship that serves as a means of transportation for Kuala and his band of cutthroat pirates in Swiss Family Robinson. Seeing as to how the Robinsons' ship, the Titus was stuck on the rocks and still having some passengers, Kuala ordered his pirates to fire on them with their cannons until Father managed to scare them off with a quarantine flag despite Fritz and Ernst trying to load a cannon to fight back. Binnen de kortste keren hebben zij met hun technieken een huis met alle comforts van het Zwitserse equivalent gefabriceerd. ik ben het helemaal met tsjidde eens, een irrant schreeuwend rotjong is het. The Pirates are the main antagonists of Disney's Swiss Family Robinson led by Kuala. The infamous Jean Lafitte and his fellow pirates appear on Robinson's island. Onlangs zag ik de film nog eens opnieuw en het blijft één van de mooiste familie/avonturenfilms ooit. Misschien wat gedateert, maar voor dit genre kan dat eigenlijk niet echt kwaad. At first fearful, Karl and Lotre begin to hope their rescue is imminent when LaFitte returns to civilization. As it turns out, they came from one of Captain Moreland's ships, having been ransomed, having returned to the island as well, and using them to fire on the pirates and destroying the pirate ship in the process. At first fearful, Karl and Lotre begin to hope their rescue is imminent when LaFitte returns to civilization. In Swiss family Robinson the book did pirates attack? Let op! Nee, The Swiss Family Robinson wist mij niet ... (hoewel de film ruim 2 uur duurt). The Pirate Ship is a ship that serves as a means of transportation for Kuala and his band of cutthroat pirates in Swiss Family Robinson. | They were made up by Disney. Jeugdsentiment! Bah, wat was dat een vreselijk irritant rotjochie met een vreselijk irritante rotkop. It is equipped with cannons used for firing at enemy ships and lifeboats for allowing them to sail to shore. It was mentioned that it was used to capture an British ship along with its captain and his granddaughter, Roberta, disguised as a cabin boy named "Bertie" to fool the pirates, to be used for ransom. Prachtige beelden van het idyllische eiland en ook het decor van de boomhut is mooi. When the pirates get squashed by logs, the Big Pirate can be seen running down the hill one minute and then getting squashed the next minute after that. This character article is a stub. It was mentioned that the main ship was used to capture an English ship along with its captain and his granddaughter, Roberta, disguised as a cabin boy to fool the pirates, to be used for ransom. De familie Robinson komt aan op een onbewoond eiland na schipbreuk te hebben geleden. Encyclopedia about Walt Disney and much more, List of recycled animation in Disney movies/Animated Film Sequels, List of non-Disney homages in Disney movies, A few weeks (or months) later, the pirate ship was seen with yet another one somewhere on the beach of the island the Robinson family had been staying. A few weeks (or months) later, the pirate ship was seen with yet another one somewhere on the beach of the island the Robinsons had been staying on. They were made up by Disney. The Walt Disney Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Dit is echt een topper, heb deze film vroeger heel wat gezien. Choose an adventure below and discover your next favorite movie or TV show. Auban's (and Kuala's and other pirates') death(s). Film adaptations. met John Mills, Dorothy McGuire en James MacArthur. De film duurt 126 minuten dus ik had nog een hele weg te gaan. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. Het kleine jongetje is een beetje vervelend, ik vind dit een tegenvaller van Disney stal. Some shot by the Robinsons' guns. At the end, after a fierce battle between the pirates and the Robinson family, cannons were heard. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Terwijl hij juist degene was, waar je vertederd glimlachend naar zou moeten kijken: zo'n klein, leuk jongetje die allemaal domme dingetjes doet. Beetje jammer wel dat er niet echt veel achtergrond wordt gegeven waarom de familie op de boot zit.
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