Dies hätte jedoch verheerende Auswirkungen für die Menschen der Vergangenheit, denn wenn die gleiche Materie aus zwei Zeitebenen aufeinandertrifft, löschen sie sich theoretisch gegenseitig aus. Eddie Van Halen Once Asked Ozzy Osbourne to Join the Band, “I think he was a bit drunk. Because Neil was also the guy who saved The Protagonist’s life with the reverse bullet back in Kiev at the beginning of the movie.
An agent known only as The Protagonist is recruited by Tenet to find out where inverted items are coming from, leading him to arms dealer Priya Singh.
The other agent on the ground takes his out, and The Protagonist jumps for it and takes it, seemingly dying. The man wakes up between two train tracks as his captors have him and another agent tied up, attempting to torture them for information.
After having gained access to Sator, The Protagonist agrees to steal plutonium from an armored car on Sator’s behalf as a way of staying in his good graces — for now, at least. Sator becomes the key, but as Nolan stalwart Michael Caine explains in a very brief scene as a British Intelligence veteran, The Protagonist will only get access to Sator through his wife Kat, an unhappy art dealer played by the incomparable Elizabeth Debicki. After Neil gathers intel on the place, he determines that the security is going to be very tight, so he plans to crash a plane into the hangar as a distraction. Moments later, some of Andrei’s henchmen arrive to escort Kat out. The film opens at an opera house in Kiev. Das ist kein Schauspieler, sondern der Komponist des Films. Kat reacted in rage and left with Max, and as she got away, she observed a woman diving off the yacht. Man kann Filme auch deutlich einfacher erklären: Das große Finale von „Tenet“ ereignet sich an zwei Schauplätzen: Auf Andreis Yacht in Vietnam und seiner alten Heimat in der ehemaligen Sowjetunion.
Richtig gehört, Christopher Nolan hat dieses Mal nicht mit Hans Zimmer zusammen gearbeitet und das sollte sein Schaden nicht sein. Tenet opens with The Protagonist, at this point an undercover CIA agent, at an opera house in Kiev to extract an asset who had been made. The Protagonist tries to take a cyanide pill, but one of the captors takes it from him. Proceed with caution. An agent known only as The Protagonist is recruited by Tenet to find out where inverted items are coming from, leading him to arms dealer Priya Singh. Eine Fortsetzung zu „Tenet“? This leads to a chase scene involving some cars that are inverted and going in reverse. In praise of one of the best senses of humor in pop music. 31.08.2020. Ihn selbst hält diese Kat danach für ein paar Tage für verschwunden, bevor das lebende, vergangene Ich von Andrei wieder ihren Weg kreuzt. Versenden. Diesem Ruf dürfte er mit seinem aktuellen Werk „Tenet“ erneut gerecht werden, schließlich werden wohl viele Zuschauer*innen nach dem Ende das ein oder andere Fragezeichen auf der Stirn haben. After the vehicles stop, Andrei’s men shoot at The Protagonist and Neil. The machine opens, and two identical men (“antagonists”) emerge. After a heist where The Protagonist and Neil help Andrei acquire what they believe is plutonium, Andrei mortally wounds Kat when he doesn't immediately get his artifact. The Protagonist is met by a local man named Neil (Robert Pattinson), who was sent to help. The upside to not going to such a screening is that I’m not bound by any embargo; I’m free to scour stray Reddit posts in order to piece together a semblance of Tenet’s plot and climax. Ihr vergangenes Ich sieht dies, denkt aber, es handelt sich dabei um eine von Andreis Affären. Where did I look for said spoilers? As Neil and Ives walk away, The Protagonist notices the red tag in Neil’s bag, meaning he was the one who got shot near the gate, AND all the way back to the opera house mission. The Protagonist, with help from Clémence Poésy’s scientist character (who helpfully advises that he “doesn’t try too hard to understand it”), learns that people from the future are sending objects back in time.
They learn of a machine called a Turnstile that can invert time, having been set up by Russian oligarch Andrei Sator. Together with a crew, the team enacts their plan as The Protagonist and Neil enter the facility under professional guises. Essentially, what we just saw was only the start of The Protagonist’s relationship with Neil, but it’s the end of Neil’s time with The Protagonist.
Meanwhile, Kat and Andrei have another heated confrontation over her attempt to kill him, as she now has a gun aimed at him. Teilen. He fights his inverted self while Neil had seen that the person he was chasing was The Protagonist. See How Justin Bieber’s 2020 Is Going In YouTube Doc. Early reviews revealed that Washington’s character doesn’t actually have a name, and that the end credits merely identify him as “The Protagonist.”. „Dark“-Fans kennen dies unter dem Namen Bootstrap-Paradox, bei dem nicht mehr klar ist, wo eine Entwicklung oder ein Objekt seinen Ursprung hat. Not interested in risking infection to see a Christopher Nolan movie at the theater? Your guess is as good as mine. At that point, our heroes decide to go their separate ways, and that’s when we’re treated to another twist — it was The Protagonist who recruited Neil into the organization in the first place, having opted to continue living life in reverse through time in order to make all this possible.
Der britische Regisseur Christopher Nolan gilt dank Filmen wie „Inception“ und „The Dark Knight“ gemeinhin als Meister des anspruchsvollen Blockbusters. If you’re reading this, you probably have a similar inclination. It's been almost a month since Tenet was released and all these weeks later, we're probably still no closer at understanding it all.. The Protagonist heads into the drop zone with Neil’s help, as well as a masked agent with a red tag similar to the agent at the opera house, but they are prevented from reaching the Algorithm because of a gate. After Andrei sees that what he wants isn’t there, the car explodes, but the inversion causes The Protagonist to almost freeze. After Neil reveals his work with Tenet, he helps The Protagonist use the Turnstile to invert time to save Kat. So that’s exactly what I’ve done here, and I will continue to do so in the coming days and weeks. 12 Netflix-Empfehlungen: Die Lieblingsserien der Redaktion. The Protagonist is taken to meet a woman named Laura (Clemence Poesy), who is set to show him how things pertaining to the mission work out. Wir liefern euch die Antwort. Auf der Yacht in Vietnam läuft zwar nicht alles wie geplant, da Kat Andrei letztlich doch auf eigene Faust tötet.
deine Lieblingsserien und Filme, auf die du sehnlichst wartest. This little aside is important later.) Since she is a loose end, The Protagonist kills Priya. Warning: If you’ve made it this far without realizing there are major spoilers ahead, I have very little confidence in your ability to make sense of another Nolan film.
Nicht nur „Tenet“ überzeugt im Sci-Fi-Genre. He bids The Protagonist farewell, revealing that it was he all along who recruited Neil for Tenet in the future, and this is the end of a friendship that The Protagonist hasn’t encountered yet. Before they can move in on her, The Protagonist kills the gunman and sits behind Priya in her car.
He appears to take a gunshot from a henchman, but since he is inverted, he helps The Protagonist make it through the gate to retrieve the Algorithm. Given the similarities in details (and a bit of fact-checking from a writer who has seen the film), I feel confident in the below spoilers. Warning: You may lose the entire afternoon reading old spoilers! – Achtung: Es folgen Spoiler für „Tenet“! Eventually, after a failed double-cross, Sator’s plan comes to light: He has terminal cancer and is working for the future (where everything is so terrible they have no choice but to attempt to work backward), and wants to use plutonium-powered devices (themselves sent back through time by their creators in the future) to end all entropy, essentially ensuring that time stops when his own heart does by means of an explosion in the past.
(See: The flipping over of a semi in The Dark Knight.)
Priya tells The Protagonist that is not the ONLY Protagonist that is capable of saving the world, but he believes he is. Maybe? He calls Victor to ask for assistance in infiltrating Sanjay’s home.
The Protagonist enters, revealing himself as the “antagonists”. Neil returns after unmasking the other antagonist, but he stops The Protagonist from killing the other man, just as he appears to fly out the loading door. Eine mehrmalige Sichtung kann hier sicherlich nur gut tun. Use the Search Bar or "Tag Cloud" below to find an interesting spoiler! The Protagonist tells him the plutonium is in the glove box of the inverted BMW. He beats her and then takes her as a hostage. The Protagonist then turns the boat around to rescue Andrei. Zunächst reist er mit dem invertierten Team Blau, ändert seine zeitliche Ausrichtung mittendrin und rettet den Protagonisten sowie Ives (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) zusammen mit dem Algorithmus vor der Bombe. Andrei recounts digging plutonium out of his hometown and killing a co-worker to prevent anyone else from securing better opportunities. He later awakens in a hospital, as this was just a test, meaning that the pill was fake, but all his colleagues are dead. The cargo jet containing a ton of gold bars crashes, and the two head on to a room where they find a room separated between a glass window with a machine on both ends. Hat dir dieser Artikel gefallen? Eine Wissenschaftlerin entdeckt sogar einen Algorithmus, der es erlaubt, die gesamte Welt rückwärtslaufen zu lassen. The Protagonist is captured and brought to a separated room like the one at the Oslo facility. As they fight, Neil discovers one assailant’s true identity, which is kept from the audience. It feels strange to be worrying about spoilers for a movie that was supposed to come out more than a month ago. I’m personally not able or willing to see Tenet in theaters.
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