By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our, The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Study Guide, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentlemen. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: Summary | SparkNotes The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Born 1706 in Boston, Benjamin Franklin was the 15th of his father's 17 children. In the 1740s, Franklin worked on several projects, including the fire brigade, the police force, the University of Pennsylvania, the street sweeping service and some other smaller public works projects. Franklin agrees and hopes this will happen in the future. Franklin courts a young woman named Miss Read and enjoys conversing about poetry and philosophy with other young men in the town. (including. The work, addressed to Franklin’s son William, was written over many decades. Osborne-Bartucca, Kristen. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Summary, Read the Study Guide for The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin…, In Search of the American Dream: Early Conceptions, Benjamin Franklin: The Man Behind Himself, Franklin's Conflicted Nonconformity: The Effects of Social Prejudice, Enlightened Perspectives on Religion and Righteousness: Franklin's Autobiography and Paine's The Age of Reason, Meritocracy in America: Franklin as a Reflection of His Culture, View our essays for The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin…, Introduction to The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Bibliography, View the lesson plan for The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin…, View Wikipedia Entries for The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin…. Scholar Susan Garfinkel sums up the process thusly: “Part One was penned while Franklin was in England in July-August of 1771. The business grows; Franklin and Meredith acquire a newspaper. He tells of his grandfather and uncles, and he includes some poetry from his well respected uncle Benjamin, the man after whom he was named. Part Two opens with the letters to Franklin The first is from a Mr. Abel James, and it comments on Part One of the Autobiography and the outline of the rest of the work, both of which Franklin had shown him asking for his opinion. Franklin says that because his son may wish to know about his life, he is taking his one week vacation in the English countryside to record his past. Continue your study of The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin with these useful links. Copyright © 1999 - 2020 GradeSaver LLC. Franklin does not often show a religious side, and he will explain in greater depth later on that he is a Deist, or one who believes in a usually non-interventionist God without ascribing to any particular religious denomination. There he hears from Lord Granville mocking words about the colonists’ lack of understanding of who is truly in charge (the King) and learns that the new governor, Capt. This is also when Franklin most likely drew up his outline for the entire work. Franklin's book, a story of self-betterment, is written so as to be a model for the betterment of others. He retired from the printing business in 1748 and began to conduct scientific experiments in lightning. This is also when he added most of his revisions. He served in the Pennsylvania Assembly, was the U.S.’s first Postmaster General, the Minister to Sweden, the Minister to France, and the 6th President of Pennsylvania. D.H. Lawrence found the work limiting in its quirky optimism, and Max Weber thought it was too capitalistic. Denny, helped secure passage of a tax bill in the face of the Proprietors’ opposition. As famed Franklin scholar J.A. The Autobiography opens with a salutation to Ben Franklin son, William Franklin who at the time was the royal governor of New Jersey. Explain the analogy Franklin uses in the last paragraph. There Franklin gets work with a printer named Keimer, with whom he has a pleasant enough relationship. About The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Read the Study Guide for The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin…, In Search of the American Dream: Early Conceptions, Benjamin Franklin: The Man Behind Himself, Franklin's Conflicted Nonconformity: The Effects of Social Prejudice, Enlightened Perspectives on Religion and Righteousness: Franklin's Autobiography and Paine's The Age of Reason, Meritocracy in America: Franklin as a Reflection of His Culture, View our essays for The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin…, Introduction to The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Bibliography, View the lesson plan for The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin…, View Wikipedia Entries for The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin…. SparkNotes is brought to you by Barnes & Noble. He began work as a printer there and, through his industriousness, became a man much esteemed for his scientific and civic works. Franklin starts writing his autobiography in 1771, addressing it to his “Dear Son” and beginning with his family history. But since Franklin cannot repeat life, he can instead recollect it. However, Ben disliked his father's trade making candles, so Josiah set out to find him a new line of work. He studies languages and leaves official religious sects for Deism (though he admits to an admiration of the oratory skills of George Whitefield). He has been the youngest son of a youngest son for five generations, although Franklin does have two younger sisters. He begins to get involved with the affairs of the city: reorganizing the city watch; starting a fire department, hospital, library, and Academy; cleaning and paving the roads; and getting the Quaker Assembly to establish a militia. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. Summary. Copyright © 1999 - 2020 GradeSaver LLC. This general motive for writing, as well as Franklin's mention of correcting some errors were he to relive his life, both indicate Franklin's constant interest in self-improvement. Ben writes that he admired his father, who he deems was of "sound understanding and solid judgment" and generally respected in town. He works on many scientific experiments, earning accolades and honors.
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