Ji-wook tells Yoo-jung that they think Hyun-soo was planning some sort of revenge on one of them, and that his target may have been the one who hit Hyun-soo. Our leading man lied to “protect” those he cared about. Softwares in India, Billing Companies, BFSI AXA I just hope that he doesn’t let this come between him and Bong-hee, and I hope that the way he held her even tighter after seeing her father’s picture is an indication that instead, he’ll be that much more determined not to lose her. Schools, Tips on - Our dorkie law family welcoming Cheif Bang back to work! Builders He's a cute old man there, too. Softwares in I think in the end Eun Hyuk might still end up with Yoo Jung, since I think she's also still redeemable, but I'm pleasantly surprised that I like Ji Hae so much now. OMG. thank you for sharing your feelings. Funds, Tips on Cars, Audi but I think we need to save this episode to look back on because the next episodes will just be heartbreaking to our leads. While I'm not sure I can expect him to come to her with this, I have faith he'll try uncovering what really happened. they have a rather unusual, snarky, but so devoted rapport. Finally, with both of them sober! Sometimes it takes a loss to put things into perspective, and make a man realize what’s truly important in life. But it made me sad that underneath all that, he suffered from a lot of pain and guilt because of what he had done to Ji Wook. The list may be updated depending if the TV shows are still on Netflix or if there are new shows added. India, Graphics Chandigarh, Malls in Connect with Facebook Community Mobile Dealers, Mahindra Developers, Kolkata Builders I guess as long as it continues to pay for good, high quality dramas with sweet and funny moments I can't complain. In The Appeal, the ending is a well-integrated part of the story. Playschools), Bangalore Once again, he delivers humor, depth, and pathos to a wonderful character. I love shows that ask all those intriguing questions about what makes people tick and why we do the things we do. I dislike him even more than I hate the serial killer who despite his killings, seems like a pretty likable guy. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I am so here for JCW having some sexy time in his dramas. You’re welcome It really was such a fantastic drama! When Yoo-jung finds the bloody knife in Hyun-soo’s apartment, Hyun-soo makes a run for it. Also, how can BongHee resist if JiWook insists? India, Agile Agree. He leans over to kiss her lightly and they turn to go to their rooms… but at the exact same time, they both turn back around. But the ending delivered the climax and excitement for a satisfying conclusion to the story! Softwares in India, Billing Given the 16-episode trend for dramas these days, I was afraid SP was gonna go the cliffhanging way of Mystery Queen! SBS, thank you for letting it air. I now settle with the rom-com and am staying. Theatre - Plays, TV - Cable Books, Children and Developers, Faridabad Life Things were already messed up between them. Analytics The photo is of Bong-hee’s father. Education Playschools, Gurgaon 4G Feel free to let me know how it goes for you. Bong-hee promises to let him win next time, but he yells at her to never ever let him win, because he wants to win fair and square. Bong-hee just runs as fast as she can from both of them with her face hidden, HAHA. Mumbai, Hotels in
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