(Acts tells us that God shows no favoritism accepting people from all nations who fear Him; Romans tells us we are to accept one another just as Christ has accepted us.) Does being one in Christ Jesus bring people together or tear them apart? There are a lot of present dangers to these children, and getting them into a good loving adoptive homes, regardless of “race” would be an enormous benefit to them. Cause Mom will kick their ass if they don’t! Everyone has to “figure out who they are” on their own, even if they grow up in their two parent family of origin. Anger that has seethed for centuries, but if it doesn’t cease and turn into common sense, nothing will ever be accomplished. And, I disagree with you vehemently that you learn strategies to deal with racism only by being raised by people of your own ethnicity. I know many an individual person, of many different “kinds” (male, female, various ethnicities) who have allowed the mistreatments they legitimately experienced as children to poison the whole of their lives, when they did not have to. If you love God, is there any room for racism in your heart? I do appreciate Joe’s opinions though. “Essays of Elia: To which are Added Letters, and Rosamund”, p.32. ”. Add a Quote. It’s really a no-win situation, isn’t it. Here’s an excerpt: “The part about me not being smart, that’s the only thing that got to me,” said Oher, who made the honor roll in 2006 and maintains that he is 15 credits shy of earning a degree in criminal justice. You are not simply saying that Mrs. Touhy is racist — she *must* be because of her culture, despite anything you actually know about her specifically — you are in fact saying that the very act of taking Oher into her home is racist. You could be harmed by someone the same skin color as you, or you could find a friend, or, you could be harmed by someone of a different skin color, or you could find a friend. In the Asian community, if we might use the word Culture, intellectualism is Assiduously valued and promoted. Abbie Taylor, Serve (As a brother and sister in Christ. Has anyone ever mistreated you because of your race? All in the valley of Death ), 5. “The Blind Side”is this season’s “surprise hit” at the box office. All white people? “special needs children” which emtitles the adoptive parent to a number of perks. Huh. . Especially if you are a child separated from your family. Does God love all people? These comments have little to do with the welfare of children, and much more to do with giving white people a slap in the face. I don’t think it’s “hard-wired.” I think it’s a deeply ingrained fact of our culture. Courage is a hard thing to figure. You ask, and answer your own question, disingenuously: How is it that you have such great insight into Mrs. Touhy’s heart? Apparently, the author of the book made up that his IQ was 80. "Biography/ Personal Quotes". The question is what to make of the IQ score of 80 recorded by the high school in Memphis. OpeningRacism is defined as “the poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race.” Do you think you would enjoy being treated poorly or beaten up because of your race? Asians value education more than Most Whites. And the whole idea that jocks can’t be bright is relatively recent. Who did racism affect in this scene? Half a league onward, No question. It is thoroughly mired in race - the myths that surround it, the guilt it inspires, the discomfort it causes, the struggle to transcend it. In my opinion it is racist as well as angry. “Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. Seriously, look up the definition of “paternalism.” Just because some white person “means well” doesn’t mean it’s not racism. Maranda, a major problem with whites adopting children of color is that very very few whites have any serious understanding of how their own racism works and how systemic racism works, and most esp. This particular theme is deeply embedded in American culture and for more about this you can read the classic Langston Hughes’ Black Magic: A Pictorial History of the Negro in American Entertainment or the more recent Brannon Costello’s Plantation Airs. Well, I guess there’s nothing to be done about it then…” Uhm, no on both counts. (Racism builds hatred toward others in those who take part in it. White Americans? Decent society objects to racism on the grounds that we should be color blind. Even if, to grant at least part of your premise, she didn’t grow up *believing* these myths, we didn’t get to learn this part of her story in the film (as I said in the original post). How might this film have been different if it were directed by Antwon Fuqua or Malcolm Lee, rather than John Lee Hancock? Trevor Miller, Talking to Teens About Suicide The film also trades in the “magical Negro” meme, in which black people perform various miracles for white people (see also, “The Green Mile”). Closing ThoughtChrist gave us the perfect example of loving others and expects us to follow his example. Is it about to collide with a baseball bat? Thanks for posting that.
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