Overall, an incredible read and a great overview of extreme poverty. Beyond the health of its people, why should wealthy countries care if a nation fails? He says that the bottom billion have missed out on globalization and tries to explain why. According to Andy Sumner (at the Institute of Development Studies), who wrote this paper, approximately three quarters of the world's 1.3 billion poor people today live in MICs, with the others living in LICs, mostly in Africa. The second trap is the natural resources trap. Resource rents have the capacity to undermine some of the rules of democracy when it comes to checks and balances. Looking for a flexible role? Therefore, offering a failing country assistance is in a wealthy country’s best interest. Near the back of this chapter, Collier asks the question: why does it matter? Population living under $1.25 a day in millions of people, mapped by Many Eyes. An example is that in 2005 in Gleneagles, the G8 summit decided to double the aid to provide to Africa. Registered Data Controller No: Z1821391. The US and Britain wars never happened again, but for countries with low-income, the possibility of war to evolve into a trap are much more high (17-18). Lots more. *You can also browse our support articles here >. To improve the conditions of governance, a big and educated population is imperative. In his view, the fact that most poor people live in countries that have taken off economically, means we need to find a new way of helping the poor in these MICs, and that means focusing on poor people, not just poor countries (as Collier suggests). Most of the money, unfortunately, ended up financing the Chad military. Instead of capital inflow, the bottom billion is facing capital flight. Collier outlines how civil war and coups will trap a country in poverty. 73% of people in the bottom billion countries are in a civil war or have recently been through one. Gender stereotyping begins in the early teenage years. Uganda has a greater difficulty to enter global market than Switzerland because it faces poor transport techniques (60). Let's hope that a new era of development cooperation takes its place. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of UKEssays.com. However, it is important to note that landlocked countries are not only reliant upon their neighbours to transport goods from overseas markets, but are also dependent upon their neighbours as markets themselves. Because of this, Collier is able to make his writing accessible to the average reader. Collier never mentions the very poor people of any developing countries. This is not an example of the work produced by our Essay Writing Service. Countries with a GDP per capita of $995 or less are called "low income", cross that threshold and you become "middle income". The four traps are conflict, natural resources, being landlocked and bad governance. One billion of the poorest people on the planet embody an enormous obstacle for nations today. Among them are fair trade; reginal integration; export diversification; and finally, rethinking the bottom billion’s place in the World Trade Organization. Poor people have not been moving, obviously. Most of the cases, money aid is spent to reinforce the military. Americans are comfortably nestled in the top echelon of one billion people, along with other G20 countries. Aid is not sufficient to solve the bottom billion issues because it becomes about politics. But to transfer cash to countries like China and India that not only have nuclear power and space programmes, but also have their own multi-billion dollar aid programmes, is quite another. His main argument is that development efforts should now be focused more exclusively on a group of the poorest countries in the world which are falling behind the rest, in which about a billion people live. From simple essay plans, through to full dissertations, you can guarantee we have a service perfectly matched to your needs. We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on reviews.co.uk. The term _____ is used to mean a dominant or idealized form of something. Regional integration would be to set up a trade system similar to the EU. Collier argues that being trapped at the bottom aggravates the income gap between the bottom billion which is immobile and the rest of the world which is growing; so we only need to focus on this group. Based on research by Andy Sumner, a Research Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies, the New Bottom Billion raises serious questions about Paul Collier’s original Bottom Billion thesis, particularly in relation to its claims regarding the geographical distribution of global poverty. According to Paul Collier, a professor of economics at Oxford University and the author of “The Bottom Billion,” a book about the poorest one billion people in the world, “the countries at the bottom billion coexist with the 21st century, but their reality is the 14th century: civil war, plague, ignorance.” Countries and their citizens […] Understanding the Race to the Bottom . So the bottom billion cannot escape its traps. Immediately it is easy to see that being landlocked can be problematic for a country as it has no access to ports. The first instrument is aid. To address these issues, Collier believes that aid should be increasingly concentrated in the most difficult environments and military intervention should be focused on “protecting democratic governments.” For instance, the British helping Sierra Leone is an example of productive military intervention. Accountability, transparency, monitoring and evaluation are needed to advance these countries and lift their citizens out of poverty. Coups – Collier says that coups come about for the same reasons as civil wars: slow growth and low income. A lot of countries were in a civil war at some point in time like the United States (19th century) and Britain (17th century). The book clearly outlines why certain societies are stuck in the bottom billion and what traps are keeping them there. All societies have conflict. To comment on crosswords, please. The intervention failed because of the huge media coverage. Again, what I like most about Collier’s writing is that it is very approachable and warm. After describing the four growth traps, Collier talks about globalization and how it affects the bottom billion. Poverty is only the problem of the 58 countries (980 million) that constitute the bottom billion. What are missing in these traps are the health and education ones. Actually growth itself can be the source of income inequalities (Kuznets). I believe this book is important when it comes to development, largely because it is accessible. FALSE. This alone makes access to imports more expensive because of the necessary transport. These countries are trapped at the bottom, where there has been no economic progress for the last 40 years. The entire aid flows to the 60 countries of the bottom billion last year were 34 billion. Collier immediately starts off by saying that this instrument is hard for people to understand and that it won’t get the countries out of the conflict trap (159). Our collective 15 percent of the population retains 60 percent of the wealth. The statistic matters because it raises serious questions about the way donor countries use aid in the future. Collier then makes it clear that no one can rescue the bottom billion, it has to rescue itself (95). Collier goes on to juxtapose Switzerland and Uganda. Civil war reduces income and low income increases the risk of civil war. In order to qualify failing states, the World Bank rates 20 aspects of governance and policy on a six-point scale. However, with countries like Sudan and Somalia, even though natural resources such as copper and diamonds are abundant, corrupt politicians and other leading authorities within the country are able to seize power and divide the spoils, making their economies more vulnerable.
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