Let us, then, in our sorrows, welcome the revelation of Divine love, with which the heavens are dropping and the earth teeming, which day utters to day and night rehearses to night. He hath set the world in their heart - העולם haolam, that hidden time - the period beyond the present, - Eternity. 11. That same power which created our world with all its variety of life and phenomena is constantly exerted in sustaining and governing the same; that same hand which first marshalled the hosts of heaven is ever engaged preserving the regularity of their movements in their vast orbits. These may be gathered up in three principal ones: the consciousness of Eternity in every heart; the disproportion thence resulting between this nature of ours and the order of things in which we dwell; and finally, the possible satisfying of that longing in men’s hearts-a possibility not indeed referred to in our text, but unveiled as the final word of this Book of Ecclesiastes, and made clear to us in Jesus Christ. For time, with all that it inherits, sweeps by him like a torrent, so that, if he would secure any lasting good, he must lay hold of that which is eternal. And that “little more” will always be wanted, and besides it, the guarantee of permanence will always be wanted, and failing these, there will ever be a hunger that nothing can fill which belongs to earth. 1909-1922. obscurity as to the past and the future ages, resulting in man"s incapacity for finding out, or comprehending the whole of what God doeth. To say that the cataract is sublime means saying that our emotion of humility is appropriate or ordinate to the reality, and thus to speak of something else besides the emotion; just as to say that a shoe fits is to speak not only of shoes but of feet. J. D. Michaelis remarks—"The words ‘beautiful in his time,' according to the accentuation, are closely connected together. Do you think that such would have been the manner of your lille if you had turned your eyes inwardly, and quietly faced that Guest with the unfathomable eyes and awe-inspiring grace--Eternity? I am not concerned with what they desired but with the effect their book will certainly have on the schoolboy’s mind. The God the man worships is the God he has imaged to himself, and men have different images, according to the state of their own hearts. Robert Traill Spence Lowell IV (/ ˈ l oʊ əl /; March 1, 1917 – September 12, 1977) was an American poet.He was born into a Boston Brahmin family that could trace its origins back to the Mayflower.His family, past and present, were important subjects in his poetry. Some faces charm you like a picture, hold you spellbound like a talisman. The laws of physical growth and accretion and maturity and decay, which rule over all things material, do not apply to my true self. in the hearts of men, as the following words show, where man is expressed. They may be perfectly ready to admit that a good education should build some sentiments while destroying others. – majestic or lovable animals of literature, Stick to their last – stick to their proper job, from the expression „Shoemaker, stick to your last” (the last is a model of the human foot, made of wood or metal), Upper forms of schools (1940’s British) equivalent to American upper grades, Posted by The Augustine Club at Columbia University, March 2002, because the book is only in print sporadically, Previous Adi Gliga – in Londra Next Grief is not a disorder, Primirea reprezentanților Cultelor Evanghelice din România și a rectorilor Institutelor Teologice Evanghelice, Billy Graham at the National Cathedral September 14, 2001 Foto BGEA, Within Sight of the City to Which They Went The Pilgrim’s Progress c1907 (Photo credit: Wikipedia), http://www.clocklink.com/clocks/world001-blue.swf. This instinct not only brings the world near to him, but into him. The writing of the sacred text had grown dim or been carelessly washed away, and over it--for parchments were precious in those days--the works of some Syrian saint had been written. Man alone is like some poor land-bird blown out to sea, and floating half-drowned with clinging plumage on an ocean where the dove ‘finds no rest for the sole of her foot,’ or like some creature that loves to glance in the sunlight, but is plunged into the deepest recesses of a dark mine. Copyright StatementThese files are a derivative of an electronic edition prepared from text scanned by Woodside Bible Fellowship.This expanded edition of the Jameison-Faussett-Brown Commentary is in the public domain and may be freely used and distributed. I myself do not enjoy the society of small children: because I speak from within the Tao I recognize this as a defect in myself—just as a man may have to recognize that he is tone deaf or colour blind. Every gift is a possibility of corresponding evil; no lights lead astray like lights from heaven. The proper translation of this clause is the following: "Also that eternity hath he placed in their heart, without which man could not find out the work which God hath made from the commencement to the end." He maketh everything beautiful in his time, eternity also he hath set in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end. Cel puţin şapte credincioşi creştini copţi au fost ucişi vineri în Egipt, Brazilia îşi va muta ambasada din Israel de la Tel Aviv, la Ierusalim. And because our approvals and disapprovals are thus recognitions of objective value or responses to an objective order, therefore emotional states can be in harmony with reason (when we feel liking for what ought to be approved) or out of harmony with reason (when we perceive that liking is due but cannot feel it). “The voice of the Great Eternal speaks in that mighty tone.” That secret voice which speaks to us of the eternal distinction between right and wrong finds its explanation in my text: “God hath set eternity in their hearts.” Can we find any further evidence? ; 1 Corinthians 2:9-13). Where the old initiated, the new merely ‘conditions’. The magnificent cathedrals of the Old World and the costly pictures with which they are adorned have a higher purpose than simply to attract the vulgar eye or awaken a temporary admiration. The world is in every man’s heart as a mental image. The moral function of the beautiful is used to lead men to sin; but this fact reveals the power that is in the beautiful to raise the enjoyment of any faculty on which it is employed from lower to higher forms. On the other hand, we are equally constrained to deem all good things beautiful. God has deeply rooted the idea of eternity in every human heart; and every considerate man sees, that all the operations of God refer to that endless duration. To do our duty here, to trust calmly in a future with God, where all our higher cravings shall be satisfied—that was the conclusion at which the Preacher arrived as the sustaining power amid the wrongs, and weariness, and inequalities of life. This incapacity for “finding out” (comprehending) God‘s work is chiefly the fruit of the fall. What an inconceivable wealth of beauty must reside in the mind, which, without a copy, first called forth these numberless hues and shades that relieve each other and melt into each other in the vast whole of nature,--which devised these countless forms of vegetable life, from the wayside flower that blooms to-day and withers to-morrow, to the forest giant that outlasts the rise and fall of nations and of empires,--which meted out the heavens, measured the courses and arranged the harmonies of the stars, spread the ocean, poured the river, torrent, and waterfall! III. "Commentary on Ecclesiastes 3:11". Here is the point in black and white: while our minds know what is right and wrong almost instinctively, if there is not a corresponding desire in the heart to do what is right and to avoid the wrong, then no amount of good reasoning one way or another will motivate us to proper action. But this is exactly the problem: modern educators, like Gaius and Titius and their breed, are producing “men without chests” or more generally, people without substantive virtue or character, which is our seventh theme. And there are ‘perturbations’ in our spirits which cannot be understood, unless from them we may divine that far-off and unseen world, that has power from afar to sway in their orbits the little lives of mortal men. But how little that is the aspect of the world as at present constituted,--on every road the righteous man is bearing his cross amidst persecution and contempt, and the unrighteous lifts high his head while others bend before him. They, with no burden on their shoulders, might walk freely over the whole earth. Its every ray is edged and fringed with mercy. II. So that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end: so this is another reason why men do not discern the beauty of God’s works, because they do not see the whole frame or course of them from the beginning to the end, but only some small parcels or fragments of them; the eminent works of God being oft begun in one age, and finished in another. ‘The misery of man is great upon him,’ said the text quoted a moment ago. Dei, xv. If we proceed ahead in our current educational and cultural direction, our own society will be destroyed, and we will face a very undesirable human future, and eventually the judgment of God. But we know just enough to make us realize the vast amount that we don"t know. But the authors are not yet finished. We say that we are sinful, but really we are always passing over the essential sinfulness into the things around us. There is considerable difficulty in understanding what precise meaning is to be attached to these words, and what precise bearing they have on the general course of the writer’s thoughts; but one or two things are, at any rate, quite clear. Pons asinorum – bridge of asses, a basic geometric theorem, Obiter dicta – incidental judgements or opinions, Ruksh, Sleipnir, etc.
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