If you actually try to understand quantum physics even on the most basic level, you'll realize that you and many other quantum mystics have completely misinterpreted this science. My idea is that most of the "myth" and supernatural ideas revolving around Jesus grew out of this. How does oral tradition negate the -at the same time- written tradition?? Just saw this documentary and I must say I was dissapointed in it. As others have noted, and had their comments purged, there is much about this film that would cause anyone with an open mind to question this documentary. It's crazy what people will believe to feel comfort. The Romans and Greeks loved em. Deuteronomy 14:9-10 says: Perhaps you could provide a current name or website.” I am not afraid anymore, I will not be bullied anymore by a religion that rules through fear rather than honesty. He is explaining how after Jesus had made His sacrifice for sin, he entered heaven and took his place at the right hand of God. Everything Biblical prophecy made has come true even currently with Russia and Iran getting together (See Ezekiel 38-39) perhaps that 2,500 year old prediction is just a major coincidence as well. So??? Sorry...meant 'non-judgement' means acceptance...Peace! Share. We need to look again to our inner spirit as human beings to improve ourselves and the world we live in. At one point, he said something that I will never forget during a hypothetical question on what he would do if asked by god. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, punishing children for the iniquity of parents, to the third and the fourth generation of those who reject me, NON of these have anything to do with morals or even ethics, it was simply there to make sure people were either in the faith or out, thus making it easier to control them). By all means, be spiritual. but if I don't believe in Jesus and I donate to charities and volunteer for the sick and poor...I'm going to hell because I don't believe in Jesus...boy God sure is forgiving lol what a joke. You basically make me out to be some moron who doesn't think. Religion does not always = literal fundamentalism. What makes your skinny jew any better than him? This world if you like, is an act of love, and interim experience amongst billions of potential experiences. The Bible, my friends, was written on many levels, in ancient Hebrew, in an alphabetic-numeric script. Because the expression of these tendencies is “evil”does not make the tool used for their realisation so. Unbelievably it has been used as a quote directly from Jesus to what his opinion was on non-believers, that they should be killed! Thanks. The master was furious that the little slave had not put his money with the rotten bankers so he could earn interest!!! Respect man! Religion has a type of certainty. If you are one of the few that has seen religion as the illusion it is PLEASE, do not replace it with another that simply claims its different. there are no demons. Français, White Frog 2012 Stream Complet VF Film Français, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Robert M. Price, Richard Carrier. Also your timeline is off. She reaches into his pocket and finds two twenties. 8.9 / 10 based on 22 votes. Definitely what made Christianity grew up till nowadays was the edict of Milan, the legal acceptance of this religion, in the year of 313 by the emperor. Drinking To Oblivion sees Louis Theroux set about spending some time in the world of extreme drinkers, getting to know people who consume alcohol not just to excess but to the point of total oblivion, Brandon Tenna was a transgender man from Lincoln, Nebraska in the United States, who was the victim of a violent hate crime in 1993 and was later murdered in Humboldt, Nebraska, alongside Phillip DeV, Childhood 2.0 isn't a typical tech documentary warning you of all the dangers that lurk behind social media these days (shots fired at Netflix :P).
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