American. The justices' vote was 5-3, with the court… Monday, 12 October 2020 05:58 PM. Links will not be permitted. . "; (3) "Only by expanding the Court can we do things such as guarantee a woman's right to choose and ensure racial and social justice. If you need help with the Public File, call (954) 364-2526. A Gray Media Group, Inc. Station - © 2002-2020 Gray Television, Inc. State Superintendent Eric Mackey said this is the biggest influx of state-issued bond money to K-12 ever. This remedy respects both the right of voters with disabilities to vote safely and the State’s interest in orderly elections,” she said, noting that 28 states permit curbside voting. Then, in January, having retained the Democrat-majority House, a President Joe Biden and a newly Democrat-controlled Senate decide to undo the advantage. One occurred in 1992, when Democrats won the House, Senate and presidency. Others occurred in 2000, 2008 and 2016. "And let's remember: In 2017, President Trump and Congressional Republicans repeatedly tried to get rid of the Affordable Care Act, but people from all walks of life spoke out and demanded Republicans stop trying to take away Americans' healthcare.". “How can we trust each other if when push comes to shove, when the stakes are the highest, the other side will double-cross their own standards when it’s politically advantageous,” Schumer said. All rights reserved. Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., failed to appear for the first-day confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett on Monday, ripping Republicans for holding the proceeding indoors. The Supreme Court of the United States (or SCOTUS) is the highest federal court in the country and the head of the judicial branch of government. If Pence is needed, it would be the first time a vice president has had to weigh in on a Senate Supreme Court confirmation vote. A holding is distinguishable from dicta, which is language in the opinion relating some observation or example that may be illustrative, but which is not … Do we really want to sacrifice those goals just to keep the Court a smaller size?". The confirmation process typically takes more than 40 days. Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall argued Alabama has “taken extraordinary measures to ensure that all voters can vote safely," and that it would be potentially chaotic to rapidly implement curbside voting days ahead of the election. It was not clear how many counties might have offered curbside voting, allowing people to vote from their car by handing their ballot to a poll worker. “The historical precedent is overwhelming and it runs in one direction. But McConnell and Senate Republicans claim 2016 was different because the White House and Senate were controlled by different parties. The justices' vote on Wednesday was 5-3, with the court’s three liberals dissenting. Deuel Ross, senior counsel for the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, which brought the lawsuit, said he was disappointed and said there is nothing in state or federal law that prohibits this “very common means of people being able to vote.”. Jefferson and Montgomery counties were open to offering curbside voting, according to court filings. It's also why the Democrats' flirting with court packing could destroy the Supreme Court and, with it, America as we know it.
Top GOP senators and aides had previously indicated to The Hill that they were likely to set up the final vote for Monday, allowing vulnerable GOP senators to spend the final week before the election back on the campaign trail. McConnell has repeatedly vowed that Trump’s nominee will receive a vote on the Senate floor, though he hasn’t specified whether the vote will take place before or after the election. The South Carolina Republican, who said he would not confirm a nominee during a presidential year in 2018 during the Kavanaugh confirmation, has since said he would in fact vote for a nominee during an election year. The Senate will then hold a procedural vote Sunday. Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., failed to appear for the first-day confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett on Monday, ripping Republicans for holding … It's why plagues are so dangerous and compound interest is so wonderful. Republicans argue that Democrats in 2016 called for the confirmation of Garland during an election year, but Democrats say that with the Garland nomination Republicans set a new standard.
“In his final speech before Kavanaugh was confirmed, he yelled over and over at the American people to ‘go vote!’ He told Americans to go elect senators based on how they’d approached their advice-and-consent duties over those weeks. The final presidential debate between President Donald Trump and his Democratic opponent Joe Biden drew 10 million fewer . This is yet another reason everything is at stake in this election. The Senate will vote Monday on confirming President Trump's nominee, Judge Amy Coney Barrett, to the Supreme Court. That part of the written opinion of a court in which the law is specifically applied to the facts of the instant controversy. “Why not just come to the floor and say I’m going to do whatever is best for my political party, consistency be damned, reason be damned, democracy be damned,” Schumer said. Would they really care if it were expanded a little more?
What happens when the Republicans regain power and they want a 60% conservative advantage? "The decision to hold this hearing now is reckless and places facilities workers, janitorial staff, and congressional aides, and Capitol police at risk.". As a bit of algebra shows, to reverse the Democrats' 9-6 advantage, they'd have to expand the Court by 7.5 members. In his floor remarks Monday, McConnell argued that this time the White House and the Senate are controlled by the same party and therefore the Senate should confirm President Donald Trump’s nominee. The key thing to note is that they would have to expand the court not by a constant, number but by a constant percentage. Surely, one would be tempted to think, voters and the two parties would see these problems, and accordingly, such growth wouldn't continue. It's our turn now"; (2) "Is 783 really that much larger than 522? The Supreme Court on Wednesday put on hold a lower court order that would have permitted curbside voting in Alabama in November. Since Ginsburg’s death on Friday, Graham, who is up for reelection, has faced a torrent of accusations of hypocrisy. We will essentially have two legislatures (at least when Democratic appointees -- justices willing to read left-wing political and social goals into the Constitution -- hold the majority of seats). By Tauren Dyson |
The justices' vote was 5-3, with the court… Hunter Biden's Former Business Partner Speaking With FBI... Biden's Warning on Oil Tests Voter Resolve on Climate Change... Barrett to Senators: Courts 'Should Not Try' to Make Policy, Obamacare Is Focus as Democrats Try to Hinder Barrett Supreme Court Hearing, Viewership for 2nd Trump-Biden Debate Drops to 63M, Putin: Russia-China Military Alliance Can't Be Ruled Out, Hunter Biden's Former Business Partner Speaking With FBI, Biden's Warning on Oil Tests Voter Resolve on Climate Change.
The justices' vote on Wednesday was 5-3, with the court’s three liberals dissenting.
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