If the nuncio himself flops on his knees to kiss the ring of his Pope, for example, is that also abnormal behavior? When he did treat of them, he did so in, Georg LukBcs, The HistoricalNovel, trans]. I am suggesting that by not taking up such "questions" as those touched on above, Spence is dangerously close to writing a novel rather than pursuing an historical inquiry. His opposition to women in the church is normal in his home country. A novelist could tell the tale exactly as Spence did, and leave us guessing as to the real motives of the personae involved. The "uncul- tured" person, who may thereby be either judged insane or simply unsocialized? "', Earlier, writing of biography, Goethe had declared that the chief task was to depict a man "in the circumstances of his times . trying to answer any of them, and especially the central one from which I started: the question of narrative history and fiction. But analysis and questions the great historical works must have. Those favoring narrative claim that telling how it happened both tells us why it happened, that is, gives us a causal account, and allows us to relive the events themselves. [7] In June and July 2019, they performed twenty-three concerts in twelve European countries. Die Silbe Hu im Bandnamen ist die mongolische Wurzel für das Wort Mensch. Both then use the narrative method to convey to us their findings. In short, this was a bad marriage, bringing out the worst in the two men. Foucquet seems well-intentioned enough, but so obsessed by his vision of the Chinese mysteries that he has little time or sympathy to spare for a "displaced person," for so we must account Hu, who, instead of helping him with his work, was increasingly distracting him and causing him difficulties with it. would be seized by a violent fit of madness, during which she spoke of things far off or nonexistent, as if they had been present before her and she had seen them with her own eyes" (42). [8] Auf ihm zu finden sind – neben den genannten Songs – die Titel Shoog Shoog, The Legend of Mother Swan, The Great Chinggis Khaan, The Same, Song of Women, Shireg Shireg und The Gereg. Hu, as we know, spent two and a half years in Charenton, and yet emerged able to resume a "normal" life. Band und Mitglieder. I shall not argue here the pros and cons of what is involved in this specialization of labor. [10] The band embarked on their first North American tour from September 2019 through December 2019. "Why did the Greeks and the Persians go to war?" September 2019 weltweit über Eleven Seven Music. Historians and novelists both tell stories; it is only the former, however, who raise questions of a historical nature as described above, make Herodotus-type inquiries, and share with others the evidences and inferences by which they seek to add to our knowledge of the past. Es soll unter anderem ein Symboltier für alte mongolische Stämme sein. Aus dem Bereich des Heavy Metal entlehnen sie vor allem die hämmernden Bässe für ihre Musik. After all, narrative is one of the key means by which historians convey knowledge of the past. The Hu selbst nennen ihren Musikstil Hunnu Rock. We can best come to grips with it by raising a "what if' question: what if Spence's book were a pure fabrication, footnotes and all? Hu pauses a moment, and closes his eyes. [12] On 13 December, the band released a remix of "Wolf Totem", featuring Papa Roach lead vocalist Jacoby Shaddix. In terms of his own culture, Hu's behavior may not be abnormal. As is well known, today the lines have become increasingly blurred, with reality seeming so incred- ible that it defies belief, and fiction being presented with an air of total verisimili- tude. Any answer we come to must take into account more knowledge of Chinese culture and eighteenth-century French Christianity than we are afforded in Spence's book. * Neither of the articles in this section was written in light of the other. "~, Yet, Scott is clearly a novelist. Well, what does Spence believe? As M. I. Finley puts it, "The reasons why they fought each other: that is not a new question. Der Bandname, der gleichzeitig ein Homonym für The Who ist, bedeutet also übersetzt in etwa „die Menschen“. On this basis, he then "reveals" the "true" story, to which he alone has found the key. Communication and its breakdown is at the center of Spence's book, as it is of much madness. The question of Hu, as the author puts it, to us, is essentially this one of insanity, to which is attached the attendant, questions as to the role of culture in judging someone mad, the role of culture, in perhaps making someone mad, and the role of conflicting cultures in shaping, the person, as well as leading to possible acculturation. . Click EDIT to add/edit tags. The Hu (stylized as The HU) is a Mongolian folk metal band formed in 2016. Some of the band’s lyrics include old Mongolian war cries and poetry. As Scott explained in a General Preface added to Waverley in 1829,he had come to the historical novel because "Familiar acquaintance with the specious miracles of fiction brought with it some degree of satiety, and I began, by degrees, to seek in histories, memoirs, voyages and travels, and the like, events nearly as wonderful as those which were the work of imagination, with the additional advantage that they were at least in a great measure true."1°. that on none of these questions does Spence offer us his own speculations. He thrives on the attention. Using Spence, then, as a touchstone, we may be able to get at some of these issues, concretely, seeing what are the strengths and weaknesses especially of the narrative approach. Factoids abound. If it's like that, it means that Spence is writing fiction, or at least indulging in fictional (poetic) license, for surely there is no text in back of that little vignette. Since the story is told in the present tense, it seems as if we were witnessing at first … Our guide here will be Georg Lukacs and his pioneering The Historical Novel. Cryptically, Spence offers no argument as to why he feels Foucquet to have been in the wrong, other than the narrative account itself. He gets into a fight with a sailor; perhaps it is a misunderstanding, for Hu knows no language other than Chinese. In Spence's view, as he expressed himself at the seminar, it is requisite in a novelist to speculate about his character's motives and state of mind, but not in a historian. Thucydides does the same with his questions: "Why did the Peloponnesian War occur?" It is obviously a work of the most profound scholarship, refusing to go beyond its sources or allowing its author to speculate on the question of Hu -was he mad? The first of our "questions," then, must refer to the use of texts. Moreover, while refusing to speculate about Hu's condition, the author does. He and Foucquet, however, obviously don't get along too well. There is no evidence provided by Spence to suggest that anyone in China thought him mad. The proportions, as with Herodotus and Thucydides, are simply a matter of temperament and taste. The ways of fiction have triumphed over the recounting of history. Das Album enthält neun Songs, darunter die bereits als Videos veröffentlichten Songs Yuve Yuve Yu und Wolf Totem. Incarcerated in Charenton asylum, by a lettre de cachet, after behavior judged, by Foucquet to be mad, Hu asks of a priest come to visit him, "Why have I been, locked up?" 1st ed. Such work is pure romance, whereas Scott seeks to give us a "description of men" as they really are, which means as they are by nature, universally, and by custom, historically. Summing it all up, it appears that Hu was something of a borderline character, on the edge of mental illness, partly out of touch with reality, and ready to be tipped over that edge by precipitating experiences. Montesquieu, in The Persian Letters, would know what to do with this sort of performance. It is what leads Lukacs to conclude that "Scott's artistic faithfulness to history is an extension and application to history of the creative principles of the great English realist writers of the eighteenth century. As for Hu wishing to see the Pope and also wishing to convert his own Emperor, how different is that from Foucquet's obsessive desire, or, indeed, the whole Christian Church's desire to convert the Chinese? Is Hu a different and earlier version of the Wild Boy of Aveyron? Today, of course, for some there is such a gap. Back in China, there is no evidence that he was considered mad, or behaved in an unseemly fashion. Thus even if I believe I have confronted him successfully Foucquet remains, in a way, the victor" (xviii). and my answer would be "Yes, of course, but it isn't historical knowledge .". Oktober 2020 um 13:31 Uhr bearbeitet. Herodotus is certainly a teller of stories; his method par excellence is that of the narrative. "popular" terms, portraying, for example, the Pretender in very human colors. To put it another way: would it make any difference if Spence had written the book as a historical novel, which is what it reads like, rather than a text of history? [9][10], Die Band steht in einer Tradition mongolischer Bands, die in den 1980ern während der Demokratisierung des Landes begannen, westliche Musikstile mit mongolischen Musiktraditionen zu mischen, und dabei politische Inhalte transportierten. [1], Das Logo der Band zeigt einen Schneeleoparden. [7] Das Debütalbum The Gereg erschien am 13. Jonathan D. Spence, The Question of Hu (New York, 1988). What would Eliot, the nov- elist, have made of Spence? For anexcellent account of theeighteenth-century English novel andits epistemo- logical struggles, see Michael McKeon, The Origins of the English Novel: 1600-1740 (Baltimore, 1987). -at the same time that it offers the reader no way of checking its assertions effectively, short of literally reading everything that Spence read and thus writing the book over again. 'Well,' says Hu, 'it's like this."'. [1] With traditional Mongolian instrumentation, including the Morin khuur, Tovshuur and Mongolian throat singing,[2][3] the band calls their style of music "hunnu rock", hu inspired by the Hunnu, an ancient Mongolian empire, known as The Huns in western culture. Das Wort Gereg bezeichnet einen metallischen Anhänger, der während der Zeit von Dschingis Khan vom mongolischen Reich als erster Reisepass verwendet wurde und den Diplomaten ein unbehindertes Fortkommen bei vielen Nationen ermöglichte. He had not been broken by the solitude. In the next generation Thucydides then carried these novelties very much further, as he insisted on continuous narrative with a strict chronology, on a rigorously secular analysis." Surely, this language gap is a more extraordinary one than Hu's not knowing Foucquet's native language. The first is with Herodotus, the father of history (or, at least, Western history). We know, of course, that Foucquet thinks Hu mad. 1 on Billboard's Hard Rock Digital Song Sales, making The Hu the first Mongolian musical act to top a Billboard chart. 2. Jonathan Spence’s novel The Question of Hu covers mid-eighteenth century travels from China to the western world of a Jesuit missionary, Father Jean-Francois Foucquet, and a Chinese scribe, John Hu. And not only in the sense of a broadening of theme, an assimilation of historical material to the great tradition of realism, but in the sense of portraying men and events hist~rically. As Lukacs puts it, "What is lacking in the so-called historical novel before Sir Walter Scott is precisely the specifically historical, that is, derivation of the individuality of characters from the historical peculiarity of their age.
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