", Danny Craig to remix The Wild's debut single 'Road House'. In lieu of this being postponed, the band have delivered a live streamed show via their Facebook page.You can tune in to watch here. Check it out! JUL 2 Tue - TOKYO:SHIBUYA TSUTAYA O-EAST OPEN 6:30pm / START 7:30pm ADV 7,800JPY (tax incl. Official tracklist: Our single "Slow Burn" is now available for download on iTunes ! Danny Craig to remix The Wild's debut single 'Road House' Keep your heads up, this record is going to be a banger! / All Standing plus 1drink charge) TICKETS ON SALE:APR 27 Sat e+ Lawson Ticket:0570-084-003 L-code:55735 Ticket Pia:0570-02-9999 P-code:151-297 Info:246 GABU:06-6305-2246 ※Please notice we do not allow children preschool age (5 years old) and younger to enter the show / venue. Home Tour Video SHOP Contact Spotify Apple Music YouTube Instagram Facebook Twitter Home Music TOUR Videos Photos Store Contact Home Music TOUR Videos Photos Store Contact . The Wild!
Our brand new full length album ‘Wild At Heart’ is coming in 2017 & will be available EVERYWHERE! The Wild! for fun updates as we go. ©CREATIVEMAN PRODUCTIONS CO.,LTD. All Copyrights Reserved.Powered by mgn inc. We are excited to announce that our upcoming record is being produced and mixed by our good friend Mike Fraser. Watch live streams, get artist updates, buy tickets, and RSVP to shows with Bandsintown Find tour dates and live music events for all your favorite bands and artists in your city. 'WILD AT HEART' is FINALLY HERE & Our store is now LIVE! He's everything you've heard he is & then some. Pistol Pete! return with their new full-length album, Still Believe In Rock And Roll out now via Entertainment One (“eOne”) . The Wild! The Wild with eOne Music We couldn’t be more proud of this record & can't wait for all of you to hear it. GxDxWxB. DIGITAL PRE-ORDER HERE. WILD is a trio from Los Angeles, CA. The Wild Feathers is currently on tour. return with their new full-length album, Still Believe In Rock And Roll out now via Entertainment One (“eOne”) . The Wild! We're incredibly excited to annouce that we are currently working on a new album and tracking at Armoury in Vancouver. Don't ever miss them if you get a chance to see them. 本隊・ザ・ワイルドハーツが本格始動!!実に約10年振りとなるNEWアルバム「ルネサンス・メン」を提げ、 黄金期クラシック・ラインナップでのオリジナルメンバー(ジンジャー、CJ、リッチ、ダニー)による東名阪ツアーが決定!, 主催・企画・制作:Vinyl Junkie Recordings 協力:クリエイティブマンプロダクション, 1993年のデビューアルバム「Earth vs The Wildhearts」発売以降、メンバーチェンジ/ツアーキャンセル/ 活動中止等、毎年多くの問題を抱えながらも、現在でも彼等が活動し続けられる理由とは、ボーカ ルのジンジャー 曰く「多くのファンに支えられているという自信と誇り、そして感謝」が彼等の原動力となっている。そして、彼等 が長年に渡ってファンにリスペクトされ続ける理由の一つは楽曲のクオリティー。彼が作り出すキャッチーなメロデ ィーラインはパンキッシュでハードなロックンロールバンドながら、それらの他のバンドとは一線を画す、ワイハ節 にある。本作は09年の『フツパー』以来、スタジオアルバムのリリースは約10年振りとなり、オリジナルメンバー のダニー・マコーマックの復帰後初となる新作。 ジンジャー、CJ、リッチ、そしてダニーを含む黄金期クラシック ・ラインナップの4人でアルバム全編をレコーディングするのは93年の名曲「カフェイン・ボム」以来となる。 アートワークはこれまでテスタメント、ソドムを手掛けたEliran Kantorによるもの。. 2020 / Don't Steal Shit, "In a time where our genre has never seemed more lost, we stay the course. New Record. are a Canadian rock'n'roll band hailing from Kelowna, British Columbia. Find The Wild tour dates and concerts in your city. Their next tour date is Thursday, October 22nd at Riverfront Live in Cincinnati, OH. This one will be our second studio release with eOne Music. Stoked to announce our new single 'Slow Burn' from our upcoming record 'GxDxWxB' will be released to radio March 9th. New Single & New Tour
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