He wrote his history with embellished accounts of Roman heroism in order to promote the new type of government implemented by Augustus when he became emperor. Los libros que han llegado hasta nosotros contienen la historia de los primeros siglos de Roma, desde la fundación en el año 753 a. C. hasta 292 a. C., relatan la segunda guerra púnica y la conquista por los romanos de la Galia cisalpina, de Grecia, de Macedonia y de parte de Asia Menor. Because he was writing under the reign of Augustus, Livy's history emphasizes the great triumphs of Rome. He was on familiar terms with members of the Julio-Claudian dynasty and even in friendship with Augustus,[1] whose young grandnephew, the future emperor Claudius, he exhorted to take up the writing of history. The main problem with the information given in the manuscripts is that, between them, they often give different dates for the same events or different events, do not include the same material entirely, and reformat what they do include. Los descubrimientos de tres libros más en 1517, 1533 y 1615 junto a lo hallado por Petrarca logran el milagro de reintegrar su obra a la vía principal de la cultura occidental, según Antonio Fontán, principal de los estudiosos de su obra en España. Eusebius' work consists of two books: the Chronographia, a summary of history in annalist form, and the Chronikoi Kanones, tables of years and events. He devoted a large part of his life to his writings, which he was able to do because of his financial freedom. The poet Beccadelli sold a country home for funding to purchase one manuscript copied by Poggio. Es célebre la relación que entabló Tito Livio con el emperador Augusto. En esta Historia de Roma también encontramos la primera ucronía conocida: Tito Livio imaginando el mundo si Alejandro Magno hubiera iniciado sus conquistas hacia el oeste y no hacia el este de Grecia. In his letters the statesman Pliny the Younger records that Livy was tempted to abandon the enterprise but found that the task had become too fascinating to give it up; he also mentions a citizen of Cádiz who came all the way to Rome for the sole satisfaction of gazing at the great historian. [3] At the time of his birth, his home city of Patavium was the second wealthiest on the Italian peninsula, and the largest in the province of Cisalpine Gaul (northern Italy). Almost everything we know about the author of the voluminous History of Rome from its foundation is derived from a handful of anecdotes recorded by later authors, who may have found them in a (now lost) book by the Roman biographer Suetonius called Historians and philosophers . Livy was likely born between 64 and 59 BC and died sometime between AD 12 to 17. There are no such dates. Livy's dates appear in Jerome's Chronicon.
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