(PDF), Why do Consumers Contribute to Connected Goods? First, this gives Facebook an excellent vantage point to identify value, and obtain more accurate attribution of advertising, which continues to be an important challenge for advertisers—publishers as well as platforms. Yale Insights talked with Jeffrey Schub ’13 of the Coalition for Green Capital about what a National Climate Bank could achieve. For consumers who already pay by credit card, there are a bundle of benefits offered, including the ability to reverse charges, limited exposure to fraud, etc. On June 18, Facebook announced Libra, a new cryptocurrency intended to make it easy for individuals and companies to exchange payments anywhere in the world. Date Written: January 15, 2020. Yale School of Management. Yale School of Management Faculty. Vineet Kumar. (PDF), Network Interventions Based on Inversity: Leveraging the Friendship Paradox in Unknown Network Structures, with David Krackhardt and Scott Feld Privacy is an increasingly important issue. Potentially. Throughout Facebook’s journey over the past decade and a half, they have attempted to create value in connections and then seek to monetize these sources of value. Vineet Kumar, Yale School of Management Research Here are my papers, both published and working papers. We asked Prof. Vineet Kumar why a company that started by enabling people to share personal news is now building an alternative financial system, and whether the move might make blockchain mainstream. Note: If you are a Yale student not affiliated with SOM, you should apply directly to the professor, not through the bidding process. There are a number of reasons to introduce such a product. Does Restricting Information make the Crowd Better? (PDF), Spatial Distribution of Supply and the Role of Market Thickness: Theory and Evidence from Ride Sharing, with Soheil Ghili Will the new cryptocurrency offer these benefits or be more limited in terms of functionality? It would be interesting to see if others like Apple, Google, and Amazon will partner with Libra or go their own way in developing a cryptocurrency. This cyptocurrency will essentially serve as an infrastructure layer enabling a number of products and services. When you combine that reach with the talismanic buzzwords “cryptocurrency” and “blockchain,” you get a supernova of press coverage and punditry. The primary avenue so far has been monetizing user attention by capturing the value it creates for advertisers. So if someone wants to buy a product from Instagram, this will provide a seamless way to complete the transaction. I think we will learn more about the design in the future, and how privacy and security will be addressed, and who will have access to user data. Facebook is one of a handful of companies so influential that its every strategic decision is scrutinized both for potential profitability and cultural impact. This cyptocurrency will essentially serve as an infrastructure layer enabling a number of products and services. Understand growth and monetization tradeoffs in adopting business models, Determine whether a disruptor or complementor strategy is more appropriate, Evaluate design and governance decisions for platforms, Understand challenges and opportunities involved in undertaking a digital transformation, Develop a perspective about new emerging technologies that could potentially reshape markets and have important strategic consequences for firms, Hortense Fong (Section G1, 8:30 am - 10:20 am), Seung Yoon Lee (Section 01, 3:20 pm - 4:40 pm). Publications. (PDF), Can Friends Seed More Buzz And Adoption?, with K. Sudhir, Revision requested at Management Science Vineet Kumar, Yale School of Management Teaching Digital Strategy (MGT 857) This is an elective class designed for graduate students at the Yale School of Management. Readings, Assignments and Course Notes/Slides will be posted on Canvas. © 2007-2020 Yale School of Management. Yale School of Management Evans Hall 5469 165 Whitney Avenue, New Haven CT 06511 T: (203) 436-9657 e-mail June 19, 2019 On June 18, Facebook announced Libra, a new cryptocurrency intended to make it easy for individuals and companies to exchange payments … During the COVID-19 Crash, Investors’ Beliefs Didn’t Match Their Behavior. Vineet Kumar. His research interests focus on digital and social strategy. Designing Freemium: Strategic Balancing of Growth and Monetization, with Clarence Lee and Sunil Gupta, Major Revision requested at Marketing Science We asked Prof. Vineet Kumar why a company that started by enabling people to share personal news is … A Dynamic Game of Competition and Cooperation in Social Networks, with Baohong Sun and Kannan Srinivasan, (Working Paper) (PDF). Three Questions: Prof. Vineet Kumar on Facebook’s Move into Cryptocurrency . Every technology firm is looking for the next large business to ensure they have a driver for growth in the future. Abstracts (in .pdf format) should be sent to ycci@som.yale.edu by Feburary 1, 2020. REVIEW COMMITTEE. One approach might be to store the encrypted transactions on a blockchain; will anyone (including Facebook) have access to the original transaction data? They have brought major financial companies like Visa and Mastercard on board, so users may believe that if these financial institutions trust Libra, then they might as well. Others who are interested in registering for the course should send an e-mail with a 1-paragraph description of your interest, as well as Resume and Course List/Grades by e-mail: vineet.kumar@yale.edu. Textbook(s): None required. If you'd like to see some of the work in progress, please feel free to email me at: vineet.kumar@yale.edu. Vineet Kumar. Assistant Professor. Home; Publications; Working Papers; Current Research in Progress; Contact Information; Working Papers. Estimating Dynamic Discrete Choice Models with Aggregate Data: Properties of the Inclusive Value Approximation, with Tim Derdenger, (Quantitative Marketing and … Could Facebook help turn cryptocurrency into a mainstream consumer service? We apply our method to ride-level, multi-platform data from New York City … This paper develops a strategy with simple implementation and limited data requirements to identify spatial distortion of supply from demand – or, equivalently, unequal access to supply among regions – in transportation markets. If it is limited, then it might obtain more adoption at the lower end of the market, perhaps among unbanked populations. What Big Data on Usage Tracking Can (And Cannot) Tell Us, with Cheng Chou To some degree, this is similar to what Apple did with Apple Pay five years ago, bringing on board banks and major financial players to ensure increased adoption. Second, they might want to intermediate more of the value by not just carrying advertising but also serving as a point of purchase. He received a Ph.D. in Industrial Administration from Carnegie Mellon University and taught at Harvard Business School as Assistant Professor of Business Administration from 2010 to 2014. Dynamics of Product Line Sequencing, with Tim Derdenger. How does it fit in their strategy? Vineet Kumar, Nathan Novemsky, Jiwoong Shin, and Taly Reich (Yale School of Management) Questions emily.ludington@yale.edu He has published in Why would Facebook invest in cryptocurrency? There are a number of questions to be answered, including how the user experience is developed, and what advantages it offers relative to current options for consumers. Vineet Kumar Assistant Professor of Marketing. Third, Facebook sees more value in enabling more commerce or transaction among users, including peer-to-peer money transfers, and between firms and users as well. Vineet Kumar is Assistant Professor of Marketing at Yale School of Management. On June 18, Facebook announced Libra, a new cryptocurrency intended to make it easy for individuals and companies to exchange payments anywhere in the world. If we can’t trust them with our data, why should we trust them with our money? Yale Insights is produced by the Yale School of Management. (PDF), Can Willingness to Pay be Identified without Price Variation? Designing Freemium: Strategic Balancing of Growth and Monetization, with Clarence Lee and Sunil Gupta (Working Paper) Finite Sample Properties of the Inclusive Value Approximation to Estimating Dynamic … Abstract. Either way, this is a very exciting space to watch now.
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