| Then one day in a match of one-upmanship fueled by alcohol, Albert’s father Ted buys a young horse at auction. Violence: The script contains infrequent profanities and some name-calling. This classic is one of the best war films ever! He is partially covered in blood. Rose largely tolerates his drinking, explaining to Albert that he drinks to forget some of the things he saw during wartime. Along with authoring articles for several family-oriented publications, she has written for Parent Previews for over 15 years. Against all odds, Albert and Joey succeed -- but when a storm damages the family's crops, Mr. Narracott is forced to sell Joey to a cavalry officer (Tom Hiddleston) setting out to fight in World War I. What factors contribute to his actions? Then one day in a match of one-upmanship fueled by alcohol, Albert’s father Ted buys a young horse at auction. Does meeting soldiers on both side of the conflict make this film different from many war movies? Characters say "bastard" and "hell" twice each, along with British crudities "bloody" (two or three times), "bugger" (at least four times) and "git" (once). Most of the disturbing war scenes are in the movie's second half. We learn that Emilie's parents died in the war. But she does take away the bottle shortly after Ted threatens to shoot Joey. Young adult males make brief sexually suggestive comments. A woman threatens a man with knitting needles. Despite being an earnest, sentimental horse drama, the war sequences show soldiers being killed in action (and for desertion) as well as a field of dead cavalry horses. Do you think it should have been toned down to make the movie even more family friendly? But the heart of this story is the touching bond between Albert and his beloved horse, Joey, who might be the bravest horse ever portrayed on film. This movie is based on the children’s book War Horse, by Michael Morpugo. Why is War Horse rated PG-13? Excellent plot and acting! Whiskey and other alcoholic beverages make sporadic appearances elsewhere too. War Horse is rated PG-13 by the MPAA for intense sequences of war violence. Were you expecting the focus to shift to Joey's adventures instead of Albert's? Albert is an amazing young man. The two belong together, and Joey is committed not only to serving his country but to finding his beloved horse again. Compare War Horse to other famous horse-centered films. Why are horse movies so popular with audiences? As a parent herself, she believes parents play a powerful role in teaching media literacy in their homes. Wondering if War Horse is OK for your kids? A German soldier tries to save his younger brother from fighting, even if by doing so he endangers himself. (He runs so fast that their tangles cause him to flip over, landing hard and painfully.) Particularly upsetting moments include two young soldiers being shot for deserting, other key supporting characters (including a horse) being killed in action or from exhaustion, and a major character being injured (it's unsure whether he'll make it or not). What to Watch, Read, and Play While Your Kids Are Stuck Indoors, Common Sense Selections for family entertainment, Stoke kids' love of reading with great summer stories, Check out new Common Sense Selections for games, Teachers: Find the best edtech tools for your classroom with in-depth expert reviews, 6 formas de usar los medios para que los niños mantengan el español, Wide Open School: recursos para el aprendizaje a distancia, Which Side of History? He stumbles around and slurs his words on occasion. One soldier is told to stay behind and shoot anyone who retreats back to his home trench. War Horse Parent Guide ... (Jeremy Irvine) lives in a pastoral setting in the English countryside where he and his parents (Emily Watson, Peter Mullan) eek out a living on a rock-strewn, tenant farm. How does it make the story more realistic? This film combines two of Spielberg's favorite themes as a director -- family and war. We display the minimum age for which content is developmentally appropriate. A horse kicks a man and knocks him over. A French grandfather and his sick, precocious granddaughter have a beautiful relationship that's combative but close. Searching for streaming and purchasing options ... Common Sense is a nonprofit organization. An animal is entangled in wire. Language: Spielberg's sweeping horse drama is beautiful but intense. Characters frequently point guns at horses, preparing to shoot them, and we hear guns fired that apparently slaughter other horses. These sets include: The relationship between humans and horses is also explored in the films Black Beauty, Flicka, Seabuscuit and The Black Stallion. There is NO WAY this movie should have been rated anything other than 'R'. We're updating our reviews to better highlight authentic stories and accurate, diverse representations. Before the conflict begins, Albert (Jeremy Irvine) lives in a pastoral setting in the English countryside where he and his parents (Emily Watson, Peter Mullan) eek out a living on a rock-strewn, tenant farm. WAR HORSE is a very beautiful movie with some overt Christian content, but it’s extremely slow. All text and audiovisual content, unless otherwise attributed is © One Voice Communications LTD. All Rights Reserved. A teenager flirts with a girl he's driving around town; Albert shows off on Joey in front of them. Why is War Horse rated PG-13? Albert's hopeful journey takes him out of England and to the front lines as the war rages on. Based on a fictionalized children’s book by Michael Morpugo, the battle depictions are much more graphic and intense than anything described in the novel. We see many die in the course of the story, including two who are shot for deserting. Family movie reviews, movie ratings, fun film party ideas and pop culture news — all with parents in mind.
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