Not the most subtle name in world. I realised that it was all me, that no separation existed at all.”, “I would have to adapt myself to living a useful life in a world that was offended by one who is no longer interested in any search or problem. You’ve become bored with things because they only exist as names to you. Guided by an eccentric old warrior named Socrates, drawn to an elusive young woman called Joy, Dan moves toward a final confrontation that will deliver or destroy him. Dan Millman has it all, or so it seems. You can change fear and sorrow to anger and anger to action.”, “You don’t need to control emotion. With society set up to exploit our dopamine driven feedback loops for rewards through purchasing behaviour, it’s only the Warrior who knows the difference between needs and wants. It is something you either are, in this moment, or it is something you are not. A few weeks later, Dan suffers an accident, where his right leg is badly fractured. Dan becomes besotted with Socrates's other protegé, a mysterious girl named Joy, who keeps turning up, unpredictably. So, there are two ways to be rich: you earn, inherit, borrow, beg, or steal enough money to meet all your desires; or, you cultivate a simple lifestyle of few desires; that way you always have enough happiness.”. The attendant, whom Millman names Socrates, becomes a kind of father figure and teaches Millman how to become a "peaceful warrior". Full attention to every moment is my pleasure. We have few basic needs but endless wants. “Refine your senses a little more each day; stretch them, as you would in the gym. Dan marries Linda, but the marriage fails. Attention costs no money, your only investment is training. As Dan’s search continued, it reminded me a lot of Siddhartha and the journey that was necessary for him to finally realise that what he thought he lacked was inside him all along. Then you’ll think less and feel more. However, through the process of developing awareness, the material life begins to lose its lustre. The book details Dan’s time with Socrates at the gas station, learning life lessons that nourish him to a more fundamental degree than his formal education. In the dreams, though, this weird, white-haired dude seems to be the answer to everything. For those that want to supplement the full text (which should be read first IMHO), a movie depicting the novel has also been made, which was released in 2006. The story tells of a chance meeting with a service station attendant who becomes a spiritual teacher to the young gymnast, Dan Millman. This classic tale, told with heart and humor, speaks to the peaceful warrior in each of us, moving readers to laughter and tears — even to moments of illumination — as they rediscover life’s larger meaning and purpose. And reminiscent of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, Socrates had the following to say, “All the peoples of the world are trapped within the cave of their own minds. He falls in love and marries Joyce, who is revealed to be Joy. Despairing, he finally sells all his possessions and heads off into the mountains, determined to find happiness. Socrates, with lectures and the ability to give Dan visions, teaches the young man that the mind is the source of his dissatisfaction, and that to become truly happy, he must stop trying to figure the world out and instead learn the difficult discipline of living in the moment, healthy and free. He, therefore, likens Dan’s thinking with the purity of mind often displayed by children. The book shares Dan's journey through university as a world-champion gymnast who has a passion to succeed and make it to the Olympics. And with elements of Buddhist philosophy interwoven throughout the book, Dan finally achieves lasting peace as he begins to tread the Way of the Peaceful Warrior. Recognizing both sides, you become realistic and responsible for your actions. And rather than constantly noticing what we lack in life and expecting every need to be met, it’s only when we release expectation that we can finally achieve peace. We’re all on the same path, guiding one another. Mystified, Dan follows Socrates to an ancient Native American burial ground. But he's still unhappy. The fiction format of the novel serves to magnify the impact of the lessons contained within, allowing us to envision our own personal transformation whilst tapping into our deep, primal urge for immersive storytelling. Treat every moment as special, worthy of your full attention.”. So be happy now, without reason, or you never will be at all.”, And when we do finally start going with flow instead of obstructing life, a realisation awaits…, “Enlightenment is not an attainment, it is a realisation. And here’s the lesson that presence really teaches. To do, there is a do-er, a self-conscious someone performing. And this is a common theme throughout the book. © 2020 Shmoop University Inc | All Rights Reserved | Privacy | Legal. I would continue to do what was necessary to live in the everyday world but on my own conditions. That way you’ll enjoy even the simplest things in life – no longer addicted to achievement or expensive entertainments.”. And in the same way that mindfulness can infuse all areas of our lives, the teachings emphasised the importance of progressing from simple sitting meditation. A thunderstorms breaks out and the two go inside a cave. That is the secret to happiness.”. A warrior is happy without reason. The dry concepts of the mind obscure your direct perception.”. The story begins when Dan experiences a series of nightmares, where he is in a dark lane. Way of the Peaceful Warrior is part-autobiographical, part-fictional bestseller, which since its first publication in 1980, appeared on many top-books lists.Dan Millman is in the spotlight, a junior at the University of California – Berkeley, who seems successful and happy. Like Dan, it’s easy to become caught up with chasing recognition, finding our passion or crafting the perfect career. Socrates and Dan return home. Sitting serves as a ceremony, a time to practice balance, ease and divine detachment. When thoughts touch the present, they dissolve.”. Emotions are like passing weather. Dan wonders where Socrates is and opens the door. What more could a guy want? “Meditating an action is different from doing it. – Living in the past or future leads to overthinking and unhappiness A chance encounter with a stranger changes the life of a college gymnast. You shall search until you tired of it.”. Its only power over you is to draw your attention out of the present.”, “Don’t let anybody or anything, least of all your own thoughts, draw you out of the present.”. The story tells of a chance meeting with a service station attendant who becomes a spiritual teacher to the young gymnast, Dan Millman. Way of the Peaceful Warrior is a true story, based on the life of Dan Millman. “A peaceful warrior has the insight and discipline to choose the simple way – to know the difference between needs and wants. Way of the Peaceful Warrior Summary. Dan begins to meet Socrates on a regular basis, and is interested in his philosophy. His progress, as for many of us, wasn’t linear, but rather beset by challenge, struggle and doubt. Sometimes sorrow, sometimes joy. What more could a guy want? JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from Shmoop and verify that you are over the age of 13. – Training attention through meditative practices is a vital concept Then you can love, and do what you will.”, “Feelings change. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Go Dan! But the edge hasn’t completely gone away, which I realized when I picked up Way of the Peaceful Warrior: A Book That Changes Lives by Dan Millman. That is how you cut free of the mind.”. “Fear and sorrow inhibit action; anger generates it. Surprised that he could move so quickly, Dan strikes up a conversation with the old man, and calls him Socrates. It all happens in the 1960s; Dan is a college gymnastics star, who continues to do well in all fields except one. But all is not as it seems, with Socrates revealing hidden knowledge and abilities that pique the curiosity of the precocious young athlete. And as we’ve discussed elsewhere about becoming systems, rather than results driven, Socrates had the following advice. Dan keeps a diary and is surprised that his mind is so troubled, that he is used to it. “You still believe that you are your thoughts and defend them as if they were treasures.”. Way of the Peaceful Warrior is a part-fictional, part-autobiographical book based upon the early life of the author Dan Millman. And for those of us who suffer from indecisiveness, there is hope. All my parts would continue forever, forever changing, forever new.”, “Death and life had been an illusion, a problem, nothing more than a humorous incident when consciousness had forgotten itself.”. The book starts with observations of Socrates and his calm demeanour, which Dan is secretly impressed by and wishes to emulate. As long as we remain present and conscious of our choices, making the decision is not what matters, but rather taking concerted action. Finally though, it’s only our actions that truly count…, “Old urges continue to arise, but urges do not matter; only actions do. Socrates instructs Dan to take up celibacy, consume only light food and avoid intoxicating substances. The key is to transform the energy of emotion into constructive action.”. Plus, bonus, he marries Joy… and finds joy. Socrates takes Dan to a café, owned by his former disciple, Joseph, who serves simple food. In sentiments that echo the Eckhart Tolle in The Power of Now, Socrates preaches the importance of choosing the present over the past or future. Remember, the time is now and the place is here.”. Dan experiences a vision where he dies but still remains conscious. If so, the Way of the Peaceful Warrior summary and full text may be just the ticket. The warrior is here, now. Dan demands Socrates to teach him. Eventually, you will learn to meditate in every action. Our mind lures us out of the present by shifting our thinking to the past or future, a risk we must always be willing to mitigate with our attention. Master the ritual before you expand the same insight and surrender fully into daily life.”. The book tells the story of college student and world-class gymnast Dan, who is surprised to find his schoolwork and athletic pursuits do not fulfill him as he had expected they would. Dan, nervous, leaves immediately, but as he turns back, he sees the man standing on the roof. And when you wake up, everything changes and nothing changes. Act happy. Like this? Socrates tells Dan that he is almost near to his goal. His studies are going well; he's got a girlfriend named Susie. mindfulness can infuse all areas of our lives. A warrior is as a warrior does.”, “I saw the futility of trying to live up to anyone’s expectations, including my own. So, thanks to Dan, his gymnastics team wins the 1968 national collegiate championship. Way of the Peaceful Warrior is an autobiographical novel about Dan Millman. Socrates sets his rash apprentice an intensive training regimen designed to reveal his true nature, a path to enlightenment which would become known as the Way of the Peaceful Warrior. Dan graduates and Socrates decides to part ways with him, as Dan must travel his path on his own. I was starting to sense a profound sense of freedom, even as I lived an ordinary life.”. But I remained unchanged throughout the ages. Dan straddles the fence between Socrates' philosophy and conventional wisdom for a few months, feeling alienated from his classmates and gymnastics team. Next, Socrates begins to train Dan physically, making him run, correcting his poise and breath, practice tai chi, meditation and aikido and refine his gymnastics. I would, as a peaceful warrior, choose when, where and how I would behave.”. “You can do nothing to change the past, and the future will never come exactly as you expect or hope for. No one does. Despite his overachievement in academics and athletics, Dan feels a strange void in his striving.
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