Little more than a hundred years later it was governed by an emperor. He probably could have become king, without too much trouble, but he resisted. Caesar's Murder and Political Assassination by G Woolf, (Profile Books, 2006), Augustan Rome by A Wallace-Hadrill, (Bristol Classical Press, Duckworth, 1998), Camridge Companion to Republican Rome by H Flower (ed), (CUP, 2004), Marcus Tullius Cicero, Select Letters by (Penguin, 2005), Mary Beard is Reader in Classics at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of Newnham College, as well as being Classics editor of the Times Literary Supplement. With both Octavian and Marc Antony vying for the throne, a bloody civil war was unfolding. This became an increasingly urgent issue as leading men in the first century BC, such as Julius Caesar, were sometimes given vast power to deal with the military threats facing Rome from overseas - and then proved unwilling to lay down that power when they returned to civilian life. Othello is the tragic hero, because Othello is a character of nobility. He curried favor with the people through his generosity. In the space of a hundred years, Rome was transformed from a republic with democratic institutions into an empire under the control of one man - Augustus. Read more. Iago says to Othello, “O, beware, my, own downfall. Even though under Caesar’s control daily Roman life improved, his assassination was for the best of the Roman people because he had stated himself as the dictator for life in Rome, ruining any chance of continuing democracy, he was self-centered, Rome got a new ruler and became successful Caesar, being ambitious, was able to further his career very quickly.“In the early 60 BC, he launched his own successful political and military career. The consequences of Rome's growing empire were crucial. Julius Caesar was the last real leader of the Republic and is counted the first of the Caesars in Suetonius' biographies of the first 12 emperors, but his adoptive son Augustus (Augustus was actually a title given Octavian, but here I will refer to him as [Caesar] Augustus because that is the name by which most people know him), the second in Suetonius' series, is counted as the first of the emperors of Rome. Shakespeare’s poignant lyrical interpretation of the fall of Julius Caesar is defined without a doubt as a tragedy by the sorrowful nature of the development, execution, and aftermath of Marcus Brutus’ betrayal of Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar’s story involves a conspiracy against Julius Caesar, a powerful senator.
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