The first stage, in the late 1970s and early 1980s, involved the de-collectivization of agriculture, the opening up of the country to foreign investment, and permission for entrepreneurs to start businesses. • 1927: Shanghai Massacre - Millions of executions take place when Nationalist Party leader Chiang Kai-shek orders the massacre of Communists, which inadvertently causes the creation of the opposing Communist Red Army. China ’s inability to confront the rising tide of US military aggression against its economic interests, is due to deep structural problems. Additionally, these series of reforms have led to China's rise as a world power and a shift of international geopolitical interests in favour of it over Taiwan. [71] From 1975 to 1992, China's automobile production rose from 139,800 to 1.1 million, rising to 9.35 million in 2008. In order to maintain its dynamic industries, China has required huge influxes of raw materials, resulting in large-scale overseas investments and trade agreements with agro-mineral export countries in Africa and Latin America . The US plays a pivotal role with an open capital and goods market, while the countries on the periphery pursue a development strategy of undervalued currencies, capital controls, reserve accumulation, and the use of the centre's region as a financial intermediary. The average was 30.9% for Argentina, 27.0% for Brazil, 32.4% for India, and 36.9% for Indonesia. China can afford to pursue an intensive ‘public housing program’ for the 250 million migrant workers currently living in urban squalor. These “Westernized intellectuals” are like their 19th century comprador counterparts who underestimated and dismissed the long-term consequences of Western imperial penetration. The rise of modern China to become the second largest economy in the world was made possible only through the success of the Chinese communist revolution in the mid-20th century. The state sector's share of industrial output dropped from 81% in 1980 to 15% in 2005. They have successfully demanded a 19% annual increase in military spending over the next five years (2011-2015)[8]. [70] Foreign capital controls much of Chinese industry and plays an important role. © The Teaching Company Sales, LLC. Trace the split between moderates and hard-liners within the Communist Party and the political marginalization of progressive party Secretary-General Zhao Ziyang. Serious doubts were raised during China's WTO accession in 2001. I would like to take this opportunity to address four related questions. [109] The Eastern bloc economies saw declines of 13% to 65% in GDP at the beginning of reforms, while Chinese growth has been very strong since the beginning of reform. Facing external and internal pressures, China's faltering empire attempted fundamental reforms. As always, the British precipitated internal rivalries and revolts further destabilizing the country. • 2010: Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement - China and Taiwan begin officially speaking to each other for the first time, but following the 2016 election of Tsai Ing-wen as Taiwanese president, China rescinds these new ties.
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