For much of its history, the Empire consisted of hundreds of smaller sub-units, principalities, duchies, counties, Free Imperial Cities and other domains. The end came three years later. Napoleon was proclaimed the “protector” of the Confederation of the Rhine, and a permanent alliance between the member states and the French Empire obliged the former to maintain substantial military forces for the purpose of mutual defense. This time Prussia remained neutral. Yet all these brave plans were never more than a facade for the harsh reality of alien hegemony in Germany. 4th-century mosaic in the vault of a mausoleum built under Constantine the Great for his daughter Constantina (Costanza), who died in 354 AD. Bavaria, Württemberg, Baden, Hesse-Darmstadt, and Nassau were the big winners in the competition for booty that had been the main object of the negotiations. In 962 Otto moved into Italy and took over Rome, forcing Pope John XII (955 - 964) to crown him Emperor. Whatever objections they raised against the settlement of 1803 were based on expediency and opportunism. In 1805 Austria joined the third coalition of Great Powers determined to reduce the preponderance of France (resulting in the War of the Third Coalition, 1805–07). The Holy Roman Empire was officially dissolved in 1806 by Francis II (the final Holy Roman Emperor) following its defeat by French forces at the... Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. In their attempt to establish a chain of satellite states east of the Rhine, the French diplomats brought about the elimination of the smallest and least viable of the political components of Germany. The final nail in the imperial coffin was driven home in 1806 when France, under Napoleon's military and political rule, defeated the Third Coalition at the Battle of Austerlitz where the last emperor, Francis II was abdicated. Many people confuse the Holy Roman Empire with the Roman Empire that existed during the New Testament period. Frederick William III, a conscientious and modest but ineffectual ruler, was notable for private morality rather than political skill. Eventually, however, they accepted this development. They could still boast of their ancient history as sovereign members of the Holy Roman Empire, but their continued existence had become incompatible with effective government in Germany. The Holy Roman Empire was a multi-ethnic complex of territories in central Europe that developed during the Early Middle Ages and continued until its dissolution in 1806. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. It was considered to be a restoration and continuation of the ancient Roman Empire, although it had little in common with its predecessor. It was not until 1254 that the title of Holy Roman Empire was applied, but the origins of the name date back to AD 800, more than 300 years after the western half of the Roman Empire had collapsed. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. How did the Holy Roman Empire get its name? Not only did they share in the booty seized from the Habsburgs, but they also were permitted to absorb the remaining free cities, petty principalities, and ecclesiastical territories. Napoleon forced the main Habsburg army in Germany to surrender at Ulm (October 17, 1805); then he descended on Vienna, occupying the proud capital of his enemy; and finally he inflicted a crushing defeat (December 2, 1805) on the combined Russian and Austrian armies at Austerlitz in Moravia (now in the Czech Republic). answer! Thus, each new emperor, a position already limited in power, was weaker than the last. And still, others question the assumption behind the question and maintain that the Roman empire didn't fall so much as adapt to changing circumstances.
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