Image: Proserpine by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Keen Entertainment has been in business for nearly 40 years. “It all started when she was in college and won that fiction contest at Mademoiselle. 26. Although their own education had been cut short by the Depression, her parents, Frederic and Carolina Oates, were both devoted readers who supported their daughter’s emerging intellectual and literary gifts. 3. Inspired by a magazine story about a teenage killer in Arizona, it was first published in the literary magazine Epoch in fall 1966 and then selected for The Best American Short Stories (1967) and The O. Henry Awards (1968). I love the way she use ambiguity. The meeting starts out innocently enough. Her characterization as a typical girl reaching sexual maturity suggests that her fate represents that suffered by most young women—unwillingly and in secret terror—even in America in the 1960s.” Overall, he concludes, “Where Are You Going?” is “a cautionary tale, suggesting that young women are actually ‘going’ exactly where their mothers and grandmothers have already ‘been'”—into sexual bondage at the hands of a male “Friend.”24. Jonathan Beller The Gothic heroine is kidnapped in part because conventions of femininity make it otherwise almost impossible for her to move. While Oates’s ending is metaphysical, involving self-knowledge in the face of darkness, Chopra’s ending is more material, involving Connie’s triumph over the invader. Yet Oates has also been reluctant to describe herself as a “woman writer” or a “feminist writer.” Instead, she calls herself a “(woman) writer,” an artist whose imagination and ambition is genderless, yet who knows her social identity constrained by cultural expectations and by the literary traditions of sexual difference. Rockwood locate the story in a tradition of cautionary narratives and folklore about women’s identity and behavior, interpreting Connie’s behavior from a psychoanalytic perspective. The Short Story Collections of Joyce Carol Oates. As Oates has warned, “Every person dreams, and every dreamer is a kind of artist. Each of these writers has varying feelings to cinema-going over the past century and this essay will aim to address these different aspects. Their father works a lot and rarely talks to his daughters, but thei… Roland Barthes' in his article Leaving the Movie Theatre' provides, Movie Analysis : Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been. The issues of feminist allegory became more evident in 1986, when “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” was made into a movie called Smooth Talk, with a screenplay by Tom Cole and direction by Joyce Chopra, who had made her reputation as a feminist director of documentary films including Girls at Twelve and Joyce at 34. An Analysis of P.S. Joyce Carol Oates, “Introduction,” The Best American Essays 1991 (New York: Ticknor & Fields, 1991), xiv. They only tend to focus on certain points, and by paying greater attention, Taylor Keen 29. . The phone is dead, the men have a car to chase her down if she runs, and Arnold can always come back later to kill off her family and burn the house down. Whereas “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” “defines itself as allegorical in its conclusion,” the film makes Connie a “‘typical’ teen-aged aged girl” of today, whose “loss of virginity is bittersweet but not necessarily tragic.” The resonances of Oates’s ending, with its allusions to “the vast sunlit reaches of the land” to which Connie is going, suggests an awakening that is “impossible to transfigure into film.”, The critical essays and reviews in this volume provide a cross-section of the most stimulating responses both to the story and the film. In the pre-feminist milieu of the story, sisterhood is no more powerful than motherhood. In Quirk’s view, the story is not a timeless allegory of existential fate, but a specific critique of the “antique values” of the American Dream. (September 1985), in Conversations, 123. Why is "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" 9. Critics analyzed the story’s use of popular music, compared Arnold Friend to Bob Dylan and Ellie Oscar to Elvis Presley, and tried to decipher the numbers on Arnold’s car. Oates tells us, “Connie wished her mother was dead and she herself was dead and it was all over.” This statement will soon be put to the test. The Vintage Book of American Women Writers, an anthology to accompany the book, was published in 2011. Writing in The Village Voice, Rich protests the movie’s seeming endorsement of a retrograde message: sex is dangerous for teenage girls. At fifteen, she is too young to drive a car, but in any case, in the story only boys and men seem to drive. When her family leaves to go to a picnic, Connie stays home to daydream about boys and lie in the sun. ", Criticism on "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? . I still think about that story, years later! : Selected Early Stories. 5. In the film Smooth Talk (1985), Joyce Chopra, the movie’s director, took the risk in portraying Joyce Carol Oates’s short story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been.” In her film reproduction of the story, … . It’s an emotional and mental game, played to the point of perfection. The shopping plaza and the moviehouse are enough for her; and adolescent sex has been just “the way it was in movies and promised in songs.” But whatever the promises of songs, the story gives Connie few real choices for the future. When they go out together, it is not to be together but to escape from their parents and to find boys. Originally published in “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” Edited and with an introduction by Elaine Showalter. “I have a laughably Balzacian ambition to get the whole world into a book,” she told an interviewer in 1972.9, In 1978, Oates joined the faculty of Princeton University where she is now Roger Berlind Professor of the Humanities. 31. Such girls were the other side of the American fantasies of the early 1960s—the Barbie dolls, Gidgets, and groupies of the years just before the women’s movement. This story can be found in the collection titled Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? . In contrast to essays which see Connie’s fate as the result of her trashy teenage dreams or her dangerous sexuality and blame the vapidity of her society for her false values, Gretchen Schulz and R.J.R. Mickey Pearlman and Katherine Usher Henderson (Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 1990), 44. In both Hawthorne and Oates, the story can be read as a dream and “as a psychological analysis of the emotional state which could create such a dream.”. In the film’s closure, Connie makes peace with her family instead of walking out of the house to go along with Arnold Friend. MGMT489.W1 Most important, they revised the ending, so that after driving away with Arnold in his convertible, Connie returns to her home. Nobody knows anybody. 18. Born on June 16, 1938, in rural Lockport, New York, Oates grew up in a working-class Catholic family and attended a one-room schoolhouse, where her teacher, Mrs. Dietz, taught eight grades. Like Virginia and Leonard Woolf, Oates and Smith are a literary team who have established a journal, The Ontario Review, and a publishing company, The Ontario Review Press. “The difference between Oates’s Connie and Chopra’s Connie,” Daly concludes, “is but one instance of our cultural metamorphosis during the past 20-25 years.”. I will analyze the movie by using our sociological literature in the area of long term death, also known as lingering death. A car appears, bringing two unique and creepy characters. Film directors often change or take out essential parts of a story during the screenplay’s production. Arnold is increasingly insistent that Connie come out of the house and take a ride so that he can become her lover. Whether it’s Tell-Tale Heart (1941), Harrison Bergeron (1995), or Flowers for Algernon (2000), most readers agree that the story version is more preferable than the cinematic adaptation. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Oates has described the form of “Where Are You Going” as “psychological realism”; or “realistic allegory,” a fictional mode that is “Hawthornean, romantic, shading into parable.”2 At the same time, the story deals with a terrifying possibility of contemporary American life, a situation of invasion, abduction, and probable rape and murder, which meets us in every morning’s headlines and every evening’s television news. Ultimately he murdered three of them, while other teenagers served as accomplices. In this paper, there’s going to be an analysis of this film, The Hunger Games is based on a world where everything is controlled by a government called the Capitol. 28. . As Andrew Sarris pointed out, this could partly be explained by the difference in genres: “The tendency of readers of fiction is to identify with the sensibility of the writer and to discern that sensibility through the transparency of the literary characters. To change a well-known short story into a movie is a challenging move by many directors. Connie fears that life is taking her to a moment in which she too will be scuffling around in old bedroom slippers with nothing but photos to remind her of her adolescent flowering, nothing but a tired, silent husband to remind her of the sweet caresses of love. This American romance drama film could capture millions of romance fanatics in just one trailer. Extremely informative and insightful, and definitely helps a lot. Whether they were teenage girls or middle-aged mothers, ordinary filmgoers or experienced film critics, women viewers had strong reactions to Connie’s behavior. “I would have been a writer . Joyce Carol Oates, “Why Is Your Writing So Violent?,” The New York Times Book Review (March 25, 1981), 35. “I don’t have any long list of things like busboy, Western Union boy, short-order cook, naval officer—all of those things are on most people’s dust jackets,” Oates has commented about her relatively uneventful life.3 While her career more closely resembles the pattern of early creativity, literary immersion, and intellectual omniverousness established by American women writers like Margaret Fuller and Edith Wharton, she has written more, in a variety of genres, than any comparable American writer of this century. Connies mother urges her to be neat and responsible like her older sister, June. 2. Connie is always at the mercy of men who will come with a vehicle to take her away, to take her somewhere else. Is it reality or dream? Arnold’s friend, Ellie, is somewhat in the background, but is there as a solid presence to enforce everything Arnold says. Her thinking on the “ontological status of the writer who is also a woman” is deeply sympathetic to feminist concerns but firm in its distinctions between the serious writer’s genderless imagination, and the sexually-specific reception and critical understanding of her work. Christina M. Gillis acknowledges the importance of fairy tales, fantasies, and dreams in “Where Are You Going,” but also stresses women’s vulnerability to seduction and rape, both in the real world and in the traditions of fiction, where the interior spaces of the female body and of the home emphasize issues of threshold, invasion, privacy, and attack. Only a hazy eroticism, a combination of the sun, the music, and youth, gives Connie joy; but in the Gothic tradition she inhabits, such violent delights have violent ends. 21. Among the four hundred short stories that Joyce Carol Oates has published during her career, “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” remains the best known, most anthologized, and most widely discussed. 23. Mean Girls, a popular comedic film, is about high school drama in its highest form – wanting to be popular. In its original form, established by novels like Anne Radcliffe’s The Mysteries of Udolpho, a young heroine is kidnapped by masked bandits and taken to a haunted castle or ruined abbey, where she is threatened by an older, dark, powerful man, who may turn out to be her lover or her father. ( Log Out / “Where Are You Going” shares many characteristics of the fictional genre of the Female Gothic, a classic form of feminine narrative from the eighteenth century to the present, which deals with female sexuality, maternity, and creativity. March 10th, 2015
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