23 October 2020,

We can define it easily but as a part of being a student who is studying accounting it is essential to as to study this because everything we encounter in our daily life is matter even it is living or non-living we need to treat each of this equally and give importance to all of it because without those things we are nothing and we cannot do anything. The important thing is to build a golden palace of joy in our hearts that nothing can disturb --- a state of life like a clear blue sky above the storm, an oasis in the desert, a fortress looking down on high waves. We want to contribute to the world, make it a better place, not “retire” from it to a life of “leisure.”. Everyday events became stories to tell children, scribes and priests told stories of religious affairs, and leaders told heroic tales of their adventures. And matter is classified into three: The elements, compounds and mixtures. Art is also a remarkable mode of depicting culture from all over the world All atoms are too small to be seen with the naked eye or even a microscope, although there are some new types of microscopes that are now able to see larger atoms such as gold. There will be new niches and exciting ideas, as people realise that the digital tools on which they have relied during this disruption are in fact providing important services, regardless of the conditions. Nevertheless, understanding this topic certainly can let students in BSMT to have a firm grasp on their chosen course. carlo crisanto v sapiendante on April 24, 2018: Studying matter is also very significant in my course. Also, it have physical states: solid, liquid, gas and plasma. Atoms and molecules are all composed of matter. Aside from that, there are also Physical state of Matter: the solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. But we discovered more because we actually seen it in our laboratory experiment. Physical appearance does affect your overall personality. Matter stores energy. It is really true that Matter is everywhere. Larry Rankin from Oklahoma on June 23, 2015: Fascinating look into the nature of matter. An example is the production of calcium carbide in the intense heat of the electric furnace. What does the Bible say about our whole duty in this world? All matter is made of atoms. People all over the world spend millions of dollars to look good. It's all about matter! He was interested in working to make the world a better place. There are several properties of matter that characterize its connection to life. If you are new to the idea of mass, it is the amount of stuff in an object. :). That matter is conserved becomes apparent only in the process of mutation of its forms. If you’re already reasonably successful in life, then you have stories to thank for it, because that’s how you learned much of what you know, and that’s how your parents and ancestors learned too. In our field, we will encounter and deal with people. Such knowledge about matter, really matters. Stories help us explain everything in our experience from science to relationships, from feelings to memories, and from questions to objections. Looks matter a lot in many situations. The authority and power of Christ’s kingdom are drawn from a source outside of this world—from God, our heavenly Father. Well, not technically. These are all questions that can be answered by applying chemistry. And matter is everywhere like rocks, all living things or even the water that we drink. Matter is everything, and anything. Matter have different forms classified into three: elements, compound, and mixture. Stories help us create our identities as we tell stories of how we think, what we feel, and how we justify our decisions. It is important, especially for us, and for me as one of those future business builder, we can get more raw materials out of it. Children- How important are they for the World? These stories form the basis for how we think about the world and live our lives. And good speech and oral communication exist with the help of the exchange of air (inhaling and exhaling) in our diaphragm. In dealing with my course, I need to understand different concepts. Everything we see, touch, taste, feel is matter, and because of that we can easily determined if one substance is a perfect combination for another substance that can make a guest feel satisfied to our service. It is important to understand the particle nature of matter. Jole Ymenel Tila from Pulilan, Bulacan on March 09, 2015: Matter is anything that lives on earth that has space and volume. Matter can describes as anything that occupies space and has mass. These are the ambulance, thermometers, bloods, wheelchairs, X-Ray machines, hospital beds and pillows, medicine droppers, medicines, bandages, oxygen tanks, etc. They are all around us. It is important for us to learn about matter, its classifications, states, properties etc. Then through the use of our five senses, matter is existing. thats why matter is important in my course. And it is more. In a gas the molecules are far apart and are moving at high speeds, colliding repeatedly with each other and with the walls of the container. Our industry itself is matter. It matters for personal relationships, for science, and for public policy. It has mass and it occupies space. The four physical states of matter are solid, liquid, gas and plasma. Atoms and/or molecules can join together to form a compound. Art is very important in the society because it is an essential ingredient to empowering the hearts of people. I served on the board of the Peter Drucker Foundation for 10 years, so I had a chance to observe Peter personally. A solid has both a definite shape and a definite volume: It is rigid. Chemists have studied that all forms of matter may be classified into three general classes on the basis of their compositions. Kimberly Anne DC Magtalas on December 05, 2015: All objects are composed of matter. As a student pursuing the course BS in Medical Technology, it is very essential to me to understand it clearly in order for me to learn the succeeding lessons easier since usually matter’s background is the core of everything we have to learned. Learning about matter makes us understand and appreciate the value of everything in our everyday life. The temperature at which they transition between the glassy and rubbery states is called their glass transition temperature or Tg. It is important to study this because without matter it is very hard for us to classify different things. Solid the molecules that are arranged in regular patterns. Because all things that we used in our daily live like studying, playing, etc. Everything around us is matter. State the following: Law of Conservation of Mass, Law of Definite Proportion, and the Law of Multiple Proportions. That is how humans have communicated since the beginning of time —by telling stories. The human brain is hard-wired to communicate through stories. Q2. Physical Changes are those in which the identifying properties of substances remain unchanged. Matter is everything that we touched throughout our life. Matter has different states which is liquid, solid, gas or plasma. Every person wants to look his best. However, studying these concepts can be compared to looking just at the branches of a tree without noticing its roots. Matter is defined as anything that has mass and takes up space. 5. We study matter because it is believed that all things was made up of matter. We can do it via the internet or by cell phone. The slides help me to understand more about matter since this topic is a broad one. And so am I. A combination of atoms forms a molecule. But we live in a new day. Matter is the air you are breathing. Required fields are marked *. It is important to know and understand the correct ways of classifying matter. Combinations of these particles form atoms. and what physical and chemical change will happen next if we lack potassium for example or if we have too much sodium in our body. ", that's a very wrong thinking. For this reason, it is important to know chemical properties and compounds.] Everything that we see at the hospital are considered and qualified to be called as matter. Chemistry can help you make informed decisions. It has the same molecular structure whether it is a gas, liquid, or solid. Just for example, emotions can be experienced or ideas can be had. To our brain, it’s all the same. According to scientists, mass is a measure of inertia. Russell Bernardino BSTM4. Ronnel M. Felipe BSBA 1-1 on November 15, 2015: Matter is anything that occupies space, it is classified as solid , liquid and gas. In the future, in the corporate world I know that there will be the time wherein the company which I am working into might struggle or have a lot of problems, but of course that's part of reaching success. Through the media and other influences, the secularized American view of history, law, politics, science, God and man affect our thinking more than we realize. Can you have the author put it in kindle format? Mass is the quantity of matter in an object. Everyone has a story to tell. Carbon dioxide is a compound and it exists in the gas state of matter. This is well written, with an important message reminding us writers of why we do what we do. In the wake of the mass shooting of five police officers in Dallas in July, a new campaign has taken root. Matter have three main states of matter: Solids, Liquid, Gas, and plasma. Things that we see and touch is composed of atoms which are made of interacting subatomic particles. Hey there thanks for your response. According to the origin or source, matter is classified as organic and inorganic matter. Matter is everything around you. A good human being can contribute to the development of society. Before understanding deeper studies about it, one must comprehend first what it is from the start. —Kallie. We have elements, compounds and mixtures as the classification of matter according to chemist. Your calling. Everything on this Earth is all made up of matter which occupies space and has mass. Definition. The statement, “My kingdom is not of this world,” relates to the origin and nature of Christ’s kingdom, not the location. And that thing is still made up of matter. So we must study matter because it is relevant in instilling practical and useful understanding of science. A combination of atoms forms a molecule. Our patients are matter. However, the peacefulness found in nature allows our minds to drift slowly from one scene to another. But whether or not the effect of the mural was good, it cannot be denied how a well-crafted piece of art can have a great impact on society. Blue Lives Matter, a national organization made up of police officers and their supporters, places the blame for what they see as a “war on cops” squarely at the feet of the BLM movement and the Obama administration. Existence The existence (as a whole) itself does not have any purpose. composed of chemicals that organisms use for communication, defense, aggression, reproduction and other activities. because as a future businessmen and women, we need to know how to properly use our resources in order for us not to experience, scarcity or the limited production of products that causes lack or insuffieciency of a person's needs or wants. Science has come up with a technology to identify atoms called a scanning tunneling microscope which uses electricity to map atoms. In line with that, we also have weight— not just in a sense of being light or heavy but in a sense of responsibility too— so that we can have an impact in this world. Atoms are the smallest particle of matter. All matter has inertia. This is your sense of meaning. Every person wants to look his best. Matter can exist in several states, also called phases. Stories are universal, conveying meaning and purpose that help us understand ourselves better and find commonality with others. More specifically, they must have rest mass, which is a form of energy that matter has even when it isn't moving it has no kinetic energy, is extremely cold it has no thermal energy, etc. Chemical properties of a substance describe how a substance acts when it undergoes change. Nature is all about chemistry. Learning everything about matter is the roots of our learning towards the mastery of our course which is, Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology. How do you judge the truth? Matter is important in our field in Hospitality industry because it helps a lot in our everyday lives, which makes our life, jobs and services to be more convenient and easier. Your brain experiences imagined narratives as if they were real. Darah Arthria Cristobal from San Ildefonso, Bulacan on July 07, 2018: CRISTOBAL, DARAH ARTHRIA DC. matter is any substance that has mass and takes up space; this includes atoms and anything made up of these, but not other energy phenomena or waves such as light or sound. Every living thing. Atoms and molecules are all composed of matter. These stories have passed on through generations: some of them fill up history books, some are integral to culture, and some are embedded in family values. If you are new to the idea of mass, it is the amount of stuff in an object. “My purpose in life is to solve problems by changing the status quo”. You have yours, and if you pay close attention to your story, you will realize that your stories are collections of your experiences. How do you decide whether a certain change is physical or chemical. when i travel i see a lot of matter. We tend to remember and process information better when we hear or read a story because narratives reach deep into our psyche and provide a deeper understanding of concepts, thoughts, and ideas. Matter is a substance that has inertia and occupies physical space. Considering the energy we can get from the food we eat, the knowledge about the, extent to which we're required to heat a certain liquid to reach its boiling point, and, determining if lye is an acid, base or salt. Without matter, we will never know the true essence of Hospitality Management. Matter is also used loosely as a general term for the substance that makes up all observable physical objects. In the field of nursing, basically everything you see, feel, and smell are matter. The result in terms of cultures and beliefs has been dramatic. The fundamental purpose of the SGI-USA is the happiness of people and to contribute to peace, culture and education based on the philosophy and ideals of the Buddhism of Nichiren. It is anything such as, Solid, Liquid, and Gas. Thanks for this! “My purpose in life is making positive connections with others and enjoying those around you”. The feeling like you are suddenly disconnected from the world. If you look at some of the most influential religious books or manuscripts of all time, you’ll notice they’re mostly “just” filled with stories. :), If you can, tell the author to put it in a kindle format and I’ll gladly purchase it for my schooling. But what is empathy, really? And persuasion becomes unnecessary. I was happy she was willing to share her feelings, but I was saddened by one reader’s response: “He is of no importance whatever in my life—never has been and never will … And with every story we hear, read, or listen, our mind makes cognitive and emotional connections that shape our perspective of the world. 2. The more educated you are, the better career options you have! A chemical reaction involves interactions between the electrons of the atoms, but does not affect the nuclei of the atoms. There are a lot of ways that question could be answered, but I think the main thing is that stories have been told for thousands of years as a way to preserve and pass down history and culture. Everything on Earth is made up of solid,liquid and gas. And last, Matter can change states: We are all familiar with the molecule H2O in its three states: solid (ice), liquid (water), and gas vapor. Thus, matter does not have a universal definition, nor is it a fundamental concept in physics today. When people, animals and machines work, when we feel the heat from the sun, or see light from the electric bulb, we become aware of energy. All we need to do is to be fearless in facing all of it. Where would you start? They give children purpose, set them up for success as citizens of our world, and inspire in them a drive to do well and succeed in life. Matter is anything that has mass and has space. Matter has many structure it can be a solid, liquid or gas, and its classified it into three, the elements, compound, and mixture. And if we want to, we can actually go where they are, almost no matter where it is. :), Your email address will not be published. The gravitational attraction of the earth for a given mass gives matter its weight. Matter is the stuff you touch and see. Examples are melting of ice, boiling of water and freezing of liquids. It helps us a lot in our daily lives which makes it more easier. Will a product work as advertised or is it a scam? Matter can ordinarily exist in three physical states –solid, liquid, and gas. Everything in this world, tiny or huge, few or many, existing or not, really counts. Some of these are the following: 1. They are the pillars of the nation, to develop a country and the world the future should be secure and the children are the weapons to build the nation with all their knowledge and education. Examples are burning of woods, rusting of iron and decaying of plants. As an accountant working in a manufacturing company, the process of creating the certain product is very important. I meant to say how storytelling shapes who we are as human beings. If you are new to the idea of mass, it is the amount of stuff in an object. Organic matter comes from living things, while inorganic matter comes from non-living things. Salt is made up of two different kinds of atoms-sodium atoms and chloride atoms. To describe initial celestial matter, the word “smoke” is more appropriate than gas. We need to dig in on its composition and how it behaves which falls under the example of a matter. This article is a module for us to have more knowledge about matter. Were you specifically told not to cite a website? Matter is all around us. It may be called as the “root of all evil” but most people will agree that money is important for survival in today’s world. An example of an amorphous solid is window glass. For example, a little boost of yellow is a great visual pick-me-up but too much will distract you and can even make you agitated in the long run. It may undergo such changes that are fated to happen. The Importance of English: 5 Valuable Reasons to Learn the Language 1. Thanks for your time!! Why would you fear god? Everything we see, touch and feel is matter, even us. Each type of matter has different physical and properties which can be observed or calculated. If you understand how chemistry works you'll be able to separate reasonable expectations from pure fiction. Thanks! Genierose de Ocera from San Miguel, Bulacan on November 17, 2015: Anything that occupies space and has mass, weight and volume is known as Matter. And why should we care about it or try to enhance it? Matter can be solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. From the place we will work, to the things we serve to our guests. Rolaine Ann Ingalla on November 28, 2015: BSA 1-3 As we define what matter is, in general, it is everything around us that occupies space. Angeles, Diana P. BSA1-4 Everything is composed of matter. Although its physical state may change, its chemical state remains the same. All physical objects are composed of matter, in the form of atoms, which are in turn composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons. We all need to study matter because all things were made up of matter. And because stories play such a foundational role in our culture and behavior, we will continue to pass on this knowledge to future generations through stories—whether new or old ones. In essence, stories keep cultures alive. The particles that make up matter are not ‘small bits of solid’ or ‘small drops of liquid’ but atoms and molecules. Solid anything that are hard and it can be irregular shape. English Opens New Career Opportunities. It seems obviously that anything we do in our Culinary subecjt its all about of matter. For me, we cannot supersede that fact, but the only thing that we can give ourselves is acceptance. So imagine our world without matter. Everything in this world, tiny or huge, few or many, existing or not, really counts. We describe this matter as existing in states (sometimes referred to as phases). Matter is defined as anything that has mass and takes up space. As i first thought of matter it is every where. Even though matter can be found all over the Universe, you will only find it in a few forms on Earth. Matter is everything around you. A chemical change or a chemical reaction is a change from one substance to another. Matter is a subtance that has mass and takes up space by having volume. I know God designed our lives not perfectly but worthily. The relationship is true within the limits of one’s ability to determine the weights of the reacting substances and the products of the reaction: Gasoline + oxygen ----> carbon dioxide + water vapor, Weight of reactants weight of products. The liquid state is colder and denser, but the molecules (the basic parts) are still the same. But if you had a few dozen different types of atom, you could build all these things and more: you'd just join the atoms together in different ways. We encounter different things that is solid, liquid and gas such as food, cleaning materials and the like. What’s your favorite story? For example, hydrogen (a gaseous element) and oxygen (another gaseous element) combine to form water (a liquid compound at room temperature). The purpose of life on Earth … In dealing with my course, I need to understand different concepts. It is not always the same! Stories show us what we have in common with others, and we learn to engage with others in spite of our differences as we come to understand who they are and where we stand in this world. Now the issue behind this mural is a totally different matter to discuss. We talk about the difference between mass and weight in another section. Stories provide a timeless link to ancient traditions, legends, myths, and archetypes. Engineers don’t sit back and watch – they make things happen. Shreyas Patel Ghaghret 384315 January 25, 2013. An example is shown in the complete combustion of gasoline. It is through stories that we experience rich emotions and feelings of joy, sorrow, hardships, and failures. Molecules can move from one physical state to another (phase change) and not change their basic structure. This matter must continuously be replaced. All relevant, information about it can enable us to be aware of everything that we encounter in our daily, lives. The SOLID firm and stable in shape, like were using the ingridients in cooking. As we all know, matter is anything that occupies space. The LIQUID or The Beverages that we are Mixing in our subject Food and Beverages, we're mixing all those kind of beverages, when we do Cocktails and Mocktails the Liquid ingredients. Everything that I have realized on how and where i could use what i have learned. Tradition reinforces values such as freedom, faith, integrity, a good education, personal responsibility, a strong work ethic, and the value of being selfless. The world would be like an empty shell. It has different classifications and properties. Matter is the computer you are reading from now. The stories you tell shape your perception of the world, and your perception of the world shapes the stories you tell. Examples are color, odor, boiling point, and electrical conductivity. Abe Puzon from Bulacan, Philippines on July 12, 2018: Anything that has mass is made up of matter – an all-encompassing word for atoms and molecules that make up our physical world. BSMT 1. Matter is found in 3 major states; solid, liquid and gas. Stories give us the opportunity to experience narratives in our imagination as if they were real, and feel raw emotion even though the reality of our experience is only in listening to the story. More generally, however, in (modern) physics, matter is not a fundamental concept because a universal definition of it is elusive: elementary constituents of atoms may not take up space individually, and massless particles may be composed to form objects that have mass (even when at rest). At the most fundamental level, matter is composed of elementary particles known as quarks and leptons (the class of elementary particles that includes electrons). But we now live in the fast-paced information age, where information, concepts, and ideas continuously bombard us from every direction. Karen Manalac, BAC 7:30-12:00 on December 07, 2016: "Everything matters." Liquid are anything that are fluid and can take up any shape when it’s in the container. According to psychologist Steve Taylor, not having a purpose ‘makes us more vulnerable to boredom, anxiety, and depression.’ Meanwhile, having a strong sense of purpose can have a positive effect on our lives. They also often serve as ways to teach lessons. That’s why research on human values and behaviour is vital. I read this and I liked it. That simple quote says it all. Education is important for children because they are the future of the world and they should be updated with current affairs. The State of Matter changes as you add more energy. It is very important to us to know the function of each matter. If she gives away four apples, how many apples does she have remaining? It discussed that anything that occupies space and has mass is called matter. Below, I have shared answers backed up by the verses in the Bible. Teachers are arguably the most important members of our society. Less familiar states of matter include plasma, foam and Bose-Einstein condensate. When the people,plants and machine works it is called an energy. We consider as an organic and the materials that we use in our home or in our school or wherever are inorganic. Given that everything matters in business, even the simplest thing that we could never imagine to be. Thinking about it, everything on earth has weight and takes up space, and that means everything on earth is matter. They worked hard because they were confident of what they … all we see in our surroundings in matter. Amorphous solids do not have a definite melting point or regular repeating units. christine san gabriel BSN 1 on July 12, 2017: Matter everything around us.Matter is everything that has mass and occupy space.It is important for us nursing student to know everything about matter for better learning and understanding of our course and better execute what we need to do as nurses. Even though didn’t the 1 particle of atom. Does it, matter if you, yourself is considered a matter? This concept of matter may be generalized from atoms to include any objects having mass even when at rest, but this is ill-defined because an object's mass can arise from its (possibly massless) constituents' motion and interaction energies. Matter is essential, we may consider it as nothing but it is everything. Matter can also be classified in terms of characteristics or its properties. And, even today, stories tend to win more attention than simple presentations. Element is the simplest matter which contains one type of atom. In that way we're already interacting. I’m trying to write a persuasive text. If they build up together we can already see and touch it. Outside of the physical sciences, there can be many other things that aren't matter or energy. Matter is all around us. This is my personal understanding about on your note ma'am. The physical properties of matter involves odor, color and so on, these make us feel and see the matter. This type of lesson that `` I 'm worthless, why am I even here?... We talk about the three most common states are known as solid, a liquid, negatively... Recitation of facts and events huge gaseous matter or energy are burning of woods, rusting of iron decaying. The … but we discovered more because we use in our world arranged in regular patterns why am I here! Hard for us to know what matter is because in any organism, matter can be classified into three elements... 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